You Aren't a Failure

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Note to Readers: Before we begin this chapter, I want to apologize for how short the previous one was; I do try and always write long chapters, as that's what I really enjoy doing. However, that's all I could think of when it came to what I wanted to include in that chapter; and that meant that I had to continue on with this chapter, while also leaving that other chapter where it ended. I hope that you enjoyed it regardless and are ready for another (hopefully longer) chapter; here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Sixty.

They agreed that it'd be best if Matt took a quick walk with Andy alone, while Gabby took it easy in bed. If she didn't need to go outside, then she shouldn't have to; not when Matt knows that she really isn't up for it, not when he knows that she's just putting up a façade and a brave front in front of others. But she can't do that to him, he can see past the smile on her face, and the cheery way that she's talking (and walking) around their home; and that's because he's in just as much pain as she is over the loss of Jackson David, the son that they both wanted more than anything. But it wasn't meant to be, yet at least; or at all, because Matt isn't going to push when it comes to what they're going to do. If Gabby feels like she's done having kids after the girls, then they'll be done having kids; he's leaving it up to her, just like how he's leaving it up to her when it comes to what outfit he's going to be wearing for her today. After all, they don't need to be intimate with each other (just because they're alone); rather, he can just tell that Gabby needs to be held.

And if that's what his wife needs, then that's what she's going to get today; she's his priority today, as they grieve for Jackson David Casey. He would've been their sixth biological child (seventh overall), and now he's the second biological (third overall) that they've lost together. And that's not a statistic that he likes, having lost a third of the children that you and your wife have always wanted; that's just a horrible thought, and something that he knows is killing Gabby...especially when she still has to carry the baby, until she gives birth to the girls in five months. And he can just see in her body language, and the way she looks at him; she's in pain, and she thinks that she failed him. But that's the last thing that Gabby did, as she could never fail him when it comes to them having children; a message that he was going to tell her after he joined her in the bath, hopefully at least. He doesn't yet know whether Gabby would be okay with him joining her, but he really hopes that she's okay with it; as he it would allow him to start holding her much sooner.

And while originally, he thought that he would have to ask to hold her in the shower; he has to say, he loves the idea of holding her in the bath. It might be much more relaxing for the woman he loves, and that's what Matt wants her to feel right now; relaxed and loved. Because that most certainly is how he feels towards her, he loves her more than anything in the entire world; and he feels like she completes him, in a way that no other woman could ever complete him. And that's why Matt is so proud to call Gabby his wife and will always be proud to call her his wife, which is something else that he plans on telling her, because he just has this feeling that she needs to hear it right now. Walking into the bathroom behind Gabby, Matt smiled as he proceeded to set his boxers down next to the lingerie that his beautiful wife was going to wear for him; but he most definitely will not be saying anything about it, because that's not something that he needs to think about right now. He doesn't need to think about his wife so sexually because he needs to relax.

They need to relax, and they need to take this time to grieve. Walking up right behind Gabby, Matt smiled as he put his hands on her hips and then brought her body back against his chest; something that he knows that she likes more than anything in the entire world, because it gives her a bunch of comfort. Which is something that she needs because she's still hurting (but you already know that). "I know what you're trying to do." Turning around in Matt's arms, Gabby smiled as she stepped close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck; at the same time, Matt wrapped his arms around her and just held his beautiful wife close to him. Bending down, Matt smiled as he kissed her shoulder softly due to the fact that this is exactly what Gabby needs right now; she needs to be held by her husband, and she needs to be comfortable. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, Gabby smiled as she leaned back and looked into Matt's eyes. After which, she leaned in and proceeded to kiss her loving husband softly. Taking things slow with him, she smiled.

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