DREAM: The Caseys Celebrate Five Years (with Jackson) - Part One

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys enjoyed yesterdays chapters, and are ready for more today; well, as many as I can write. But before we start with normal chapters, what do you say we start with a dream chapter? Enjoy.

Monday, December 6, 2021 – Casey Penthouse
Jackson David Casey. That was the name of their beautiful week-old son, whom Matt was currently in the midst of holding on his chest (which he does whenever he gets a chance to do so). And let's just say that Matt loves it, as it gives him a chance to bond with his fifth (and final) child. Something that he wasn't able to do (as much) for the past nine months, as they were not together each and every day; after all, Gabby was not the one who was pregnant with Jackson. Rather, Jackson was carried by a surrogate; a surrogate who just gave birth to him, in their presence a week earlier. Yes, you heard that right; Jackson Casey was not born by his biological mother (even though they used Gabby's egg) rather, he was born via a surrogate (whom they trusted with their precious son, as Gabby didn't want to get pregnant again). And the truth was, they are so grateful (and glad) that this is the choice that they ended up making when it came to them expanding their family for the final time; even though they were open to adoption. And while they would've been more than okay with bringing another child into their home, something just didn't feel right about the idea of them adopting the child.

The idea of them bringing another non-biological child into their home, just didn't sit right with them; and rather, they wanted to do something else. And that was welcome another biological child of theirs into their home, on the condition that Gabby wasn't the one who got pregnant, which was something that Gabby refused to do, after what they had to experience while they were pregnant with their daughters Bella Grace and Emily Marie. And that was actually the reason why this decision that they made was so shocking, the decision they made to have another biological child; as they both thought that they were done having biological children, and that they would adopt a baby this time around. Yet, at the time, they didn't rule out the possibility of them having another biological child, as you know. There were just conditions that came with it, one that you already know; meanwhile, the other was that they use somebody that they trust. A sentiment that was even more important, based on the situation that they now find themselves in; as they are currently in a health panic known as COVID-19, something that they've been dealing with since the girls were born.

But luckily for them, this situation that they find themselves in didn't dissuade their friend (and surrogate) from doing this for them; a friend named Stella. Yes, you heard that right; Gabby's best friend, Matt's best friend's wife was their surrogate. And let's just say that it was awkward between the four of them for a while, especially when it came to their relationship; nothing like a bit of stress on your pregnancy, like the fact that you're carrying your best friends' child (who just so happens to also be your bosses); making the baby that you're carrying also the fifth and final Casey heir. But still, Stella was more than happy to be their surrogate; as she wanted to be pregnancy again, but she didn't want to have to raise the baby. So, it was a win-win for everybody; they got a surrogate that they trusted, and who knows them personal. Meanwhile, Stella got to be pregnant one last time (but not raise the baby); and, of course, Matt and Gabby got to have a fifth child. And now, they have everything they need in life. Each other, and their children: Matteo, Noah, Bella, Emily, and Jackson. And Matt had to Say, god is he adorable; especially as he was currently quite comfortable on his chest.

Tapping his back (through the baby carrier that he was wearing), Matt smiled as he bent down and kissed the top of his beautiful son's head; the son who was fast asleep just like his beautiful mother, or so he thought. And no, he's not talking about Jackson waking up; rather, he's talking about the love of his life waking up this morning (and making her way down to the main floor of their penthouse) to join him and Jackson. And let's just say that Gabby loves the sight in front of her, as it was the sight of her dreamy husband (and the love of her life) holding their newborn son on his shirtless chest, while he's just wearing some (tight) boxers. And that was the best sight in the entire world, and it was also the best way for the both of them to start their anniversary celebration. It was incredible, and Gabby is over the moon that this is what they're currently in the midst of doing right now. They're celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary, with their beautiful baby boy Jackson, who was currently fast asleep on his father's (muscular) chest, as he cuddled up to him in the baby carrier. The baby carrier that they originally bought for the twins to use and are both glad that they kept it.

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