Spending the Day in Bed: Comfortable?

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the first chapter that I posted for you guys today? I hope that you guys liked it and are ready for another chapter right now. So, what do you say we get right to it? Here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Two, which starts with the answer to the question that Matt asked Gabby at the end of last chapter; god, don't we love good teasers? Enjoy.

"Comfortable?" He was kidding right? Did he really need to ask her that question? Those were the exact thoughts that were currently going through Gabby's head, as the question that her (loving) husband just asked her was really stupid; then again, maybe he really meant that. God, the way that he phrased it makes her wonder so many things, as it could be a question that is just a courtesy (and just something that he asks her because it's second nature); then again, shouldn't he know how to make her comfortable? And this sure is something that she hates, how she's taking so much time to answer; and she can only imagine how Matt's thinking at the moment, not that she has to wait long before she actually finds out how he's thinking. "Earth to Gabby? Did you hear the question that I just ask you?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she heard him ask her that question, the question that she finds a bit ridiculous; but you already know that, and you also know the reasons why the question isn't necessary. If there's one thing that Matt can always be guaranteed, it's the fact that she's always going to be comfortable in his arms; where she feels safe, and happy.

"Baby, of course I'm comfortable; you never need to ask me that question, because you will always know the answer to that question. I mean, why wouldn't I be comfortable when I'm in my loving husband's arms? The man whom I love more than anything in the entire world, and when I'm laying down in the place where I feel safe?" Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before bringing her against his chest some more; at the same time, Gabby put her hands on his chest and smiled as she leaned in and kissed the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. After which, he ran his hand up and down her side (specifically making sure to spend some time with his fingers on her stomach); that way, he can interact with his daughters. And boy, is that something that the both of them love more than anything in the entire world; that being due to the fact that they're his baby girls, and they will always be his baby girls. And it's also why they're going to just stay here for the entire day...especially when it's what their mommy needs him do to. She needs to relax, and just hold him close to her in their bed, which is something that Matt is more than ready to do for Gabby today.

They are both still mourning for the loss of their son, and they need to concentrate on each other; and only each other today, even though they would also love to be with the boys. And that's something that the parents just wish they could make their sons understand right now, the fact that they want to be with them more than anything in the entire world; but right now, they just need to be together after something quite tragic has shaken them to their core. The news that they lost another child has really done a number on them, and both Matt and Gabby need to take this time with each other; and they are so grateful for their family, who are making sure that their sons are taken care of...and that means that Matt has the ability to give all of his love and attention to Gabby, who really needs it right now. She needs to have all of his love and attention concentrated on her, and she's just happy that it's what she's in the midst of getting right now, which is something that Matt can see, simply by looking into those beautiful eyes of hers. Which is something that he's been doing constantly since they got the news, as it's how they are currently communicating with each other.

As much as Gabby wants to voice how she's feeling right now, she just doesn't feel like she has the ability to do so; because she's still trying to figure everything out herself, and how to even express herself. And that's something that Matt understands, because he's had to do it in the not-too-distant past; he had to do the same when he had to confess that he thought (and later got diagnosed) with PTSD to Gabby, and it was the best feeling in the entire world. To get that feeling off his chest, to get that news off his chest; it truly felt like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders, and he can't help whether that's something that Gabby's currently dealing with. Whether she feels like she just has so much on her mind, that she doesn't feel like she has the ability to talk to him; the man whom she should always feel like she can talk to her about, both because he's her husband...and the man who loves her more than anything in the entire world. And that's the exact message that Matt hopes to convey to Gabby, as he prepares to speak to her right now; as he prepares to tell her that he wants her to talk to him about what's on her mind, and to get her to open up to him some more. She has to do that.

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