Quality Time at the Beach, Part 2B: Will & Natalie on the Beach

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Quick Note: I have decided to introduce a new couple. See the bottom of the chapter to get information on them.

They decided to just take it easy and relax with each other (while also watching Andy for Matt and Gabby); but that was not the only thing that Will and Natalie were doing, as Natalie just had to sneak something into their bag. Something that he should've checked for, but he didn't do it. Why he didn't check their bags for it, he has no clue; but at least now they have something to do, as they take a chance to relax with each other. And just what might they be doing? Well, that would be looking on Amazon for something. "I swear, at first I was not happy that you brought the iPad to the beach; but now, I guess I am okay with it." Natalie agreed with Will as he said that, before turning her head and looking up at her husband; at the same time, Will wrapped his arm around her and put his hand on her stomach. After which, he bent down and proceeded to kiss the woman he loves; just taking things slow with Will, Natalie smiled due to the fact that this is exactly what she wants to do with Will right now. "I have to say that I'm glad that we're relaxing together."

Natalie laughed as she heard Will say that. "I think that we both know why that's the case, because it means that I get to relax for the baby." Will agreed with Natalie as he put his hand on her fifteen-week pregnant stomach, before stroking it with his thumb; at the same time, Natalie leaned back against his chest some more and just cuddled up to him. At the same time, Will turned his head and kissed the side of her head. "Comfortable?" Natalie agreed with Will as he asked her whether she was comfortable, as she is so glad that this is what they're in the midst of doing right now; that they're holding each other close, and just taking it easy with ach other. After all, this is exactly what they both want. They want to hold each other close, and they want to make sure that they take it easy with each other. And that was due to the fact that they are going to make sure that they do that for the rest of the day. "So, I have to say; I am quite happy that we got today off, because I wasn't sure whether this was going to happen." Will agreed with Natalie.

"It's a blessing, and a curse in my opinion." Sitting up, Natalie was confused as she turned her head and looked at the man she loves; after all, she had no idea what he was talking about. "What are you talking about Will?" Will sighed as he looked at Natalie, before opening his arms so that he can get her to lay down in his arms again; after all, he wants to relax and just take it easy. Then, they would be able to talk to each other about what was on his mind right now; specifically, the way that they're going to be spending their first Christmas as husband and wife. And they were going to have that conversation, as Natalie wrapped her arms around his torso and cuddled up to the man of her dreams, while also laying her head down on his chest. At the same time, Will moved his hand to her back and then bent down to kiss the top of her head. "So, what do we need to talk about?" Will sighed as Natalie asked him that.

"We need to talk about how we're going to be celebrating Christmas, or where we're going to be celebrating it this year." Natalie was a bit confused as she heard Will say that, before turning her head and looking up at him. "Care to tell me what you mean?" Will agreed before running his hand up and down her back. "I'm talking about how we have shift on Christmas. We're at the hospital on Christmas Day." Natalie then realized that and took a breath due to the fact that was something that was true. But still, she did want to check in her calendar, which is why she decided to open the calendar app on her iPad, and then went ahead to go check on the calendar. Going to hit Christmas day, Natalie sighed as she saw that Will was telling her the truth; that they had shift on Christmas day, and that they're going to have to figure things out. "What are we going to tell your brother when it comes to the fact that we're not going to be able to celebrate Christmas with them this year?" Will sighed as he looked at Natalie before going to kiss her forehead softly.

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