Taking it Easy Ahead of Family Dinner: Counselling

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That was a word that Gabby most definitely did not expect to hear come out of Matt's mouth, which was why she ended up pushing him back onto his back; that way, she could lay down in his arms once again (as she cuddled up to him). And that was more than okay with Matt, as he understood that she may need this. She may need to feel him hold her in his arms, and run his hand up and down her back once again; which is exactly what he was in the midst of doing, as they held each other close in bed. But first, Matt decided that he should apologize for even bringing this up. "Sorry for bringing this up baby." Turning her head to look up at the man of her dreams, Gabby shook her head as that was the last thing that she wanted him to do; she didn't want him to apologize, when the idea that he brought up as a valid idea. It was something that they had to think about, especially when her brother brought it up; because maybe he sees things that they're missing, not that she wanted to think that way. She hopes Matt would see everything that's wrong.

Heck, Matt feels the same way; but there are times where that doesn't happen, and they both just need to relax and hold each other close (while talking about some hard things). And this, well this would be one of those topics; it's hard, because they didn't expect to have to talk about this. But right now, that's exactly what they're going to do. They're going to talk about the topic that Matt just brought up, so that they can see where they both are on the idea of them going to counselling; and Gabby wants Matt to go first, since he was the one that brought up the idea in the first place. "Want to talk about it?" Turning his head to look down at Gabby, Matt took a breath as he wasn't sure what he wanted to do; but it wasn't like this idea was just going to leave their minds right now, as it was instead going to hang over them until they talk about it. So, they might as well talk about it now that it's the topic of conversation. "We might as well talk about it, now that we're thinking about it." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as she felt the same way.

She wanted to talk about this, because it was on their minds. "What are you thinking when it comes to this?" Taking a breath, Matt ran his hand up and down her back; before thinking back to the last time they lost a child, and how much going to see Chaplain Orlovsky helped Gabby. "I know the last time something like this happened, you hated going to see Chaplain Orlovsky." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; before turning her head and looking up at the man of her dreams. At the same time, Matt turned his head and looked down at his gorgeous wife. "But I can't help but also think about how this time is different, and there's just so many emotions that you're going to have to deal with Gabby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, already well aware of just what he was talking about; how this time is much different, as she's still pregnant with their girls. And rather than loosing the entire pregnancy, she only lost their son; which wasn't the case at all the last time around, and they both knew that.

"But then again, I know you Gabby. And I know how closed off you are, and how you don't like to talk to people; other than people you trust, and who know you. So, would you really open up to somebody that you don't trust? Or at least know already?" Looking up at Matt, Gabby took a breath due to the fact he just made another valid point; a point that was the truth, and they both knew it was the truth. "I know that you mean, and I hate that I don't always open up to people; even you at times, and I'm sorry for that." Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby say that, not wanting to hear her apologize when it's not her fault. It's how she deals with grief, and they all deal with grief in their own way; heck, they almost lost each other the last time that they lost a child. "I just know that there are going to be so many questions when it comes to what you want to do, and how you are really doing; and as much as we both know that you can talk to me, I don't know all the answers. Nor do I know everything that's going on with you, as you are holding back."

Looking up at Matt, Gabby was about to argue; that was, until he gave her the look her always gives to her to make her realize that what he was saying was the truth. And when she thought about it, she knew that she couldn't lie. She couldn't lie about the fact that she was holding back, and that she wasn't being completely open and honest with him; because this is just a hard conversation, and it's one that she doesn't really want to have (due to the hard emotions that it brings up). "I just hate the conversations that it might bring up, all the emotions that it brings up; it's hard, and I just...I hate it Matt, I don't like breaking down; because it's not me. I'm not the woman who breaks down, I'm the strong one; I've always been the strong one, and I've dealt with things." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as he ran his hand up and down her back. "And I know that Gabby, but you're not alone in this; you're never going to be alone in this, because I'm your husband and I love you more than anything in the entire world." Gabby agreed with Matt, smiling.

After all, she knew that was the case; and she also knew that would always be the case. She knew just how much he loved her, and just how much he wants the best for her; and that's the real reason that he brought up this topic of going to see something, because he knows that going to counselling may really help her in the long run. Because that's probably what he's really thinking about, how this will affect her in the long run. "You're thinking about the long run, aren't you Matt?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether he was thinking about the long run, because that was exactly what he was thinking about; the long run, which is what they both need to think about. They need to think about the long run, and just how this will affect Gabby; both in her personal life, and when it comes to work. Turning his head, Matt looked down at his wife. "Gabby, ,can we make a deal?" Gabby looked up at Matt as he asked her that. "What if we go together? We go to the session together, and we talk?" Gabby agreed with Matt, smiling at him.

"And I want to do it before you go back to work, because I want you to talk to someone and see if you're okay; I want to know that you at least got some of the things you're hiding off your chest, and out in the open. If we can at least have a start, then we can talk at home more; and I can know what to look for while you're at the office, when you're working on my floor. Because I think that's what we need right now, to always be with each other; on the same floor, preferably." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that's the case. After which, she watched as Matt bent down and kissed her softly. Just taking things nice and slow with Matt as he held her in his arms, Gabby smirked due to the fact that Matt truly is the love of her life; and she's incredibly proud of just everything that he's done for her, and how he's always going to help her through everything. And that's something that she can count on for the rest of her life, and she already knows it. And it seems like Gabby wasn't the only thing who knew something, as she soon heard yelling.

"MATT, GABBY! ANTONIO'S HERE WITH EMILY!" Turning his head, Matt snickered a bit as he bent down and kissed his wife again. "Let's get out of here." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before moving out of his arms; after which, she went to get out of their bed so that she can go see her brother. At the same time, Matt did the same as they got ready to go out and be with family.

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