Halstead: Breakfast in Bed

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in another chapter, but I had some things to do today before I could get a chance to write. So, I am not sure whether I am going to be able to get as many chapters out as I would like to. But I do hope to get some out to you. Let's start.

He was now back in bed, with the woman he loves as they now had some breakfast to share with each other; and Alex had to say, she was really comfortable and enjoying the nice breakfast that he made. And not just because of how delicious it was, but because the man she loves was actually in the midst of feeding her said breakfast with a fork that he made sure to bring up with him. After all, Jay could just tell that this is what he was going to be doing today; he was going to be holding Alex in bed, as she wore some sexy lingerie and feeding her the (nutritious) breakfast that he made for her downstairs. And just what might he have made for breakfast? Well, it's a little recipe that he's recently found online; and he truly believes that it's something that he can see himself making more often, simply because of how healthy and delicious it is. And that would be some Banana Egg Pancakes. Yes, you heart that right. Banana Egg Pancakes. It's extremely healthy, as there actually is no pancake mix; it's made of eggs and bananas, with a bit of sugar just to give it flavor. But it's not the type of normal sugar that you see, it's Keto Sugar to make sure that things are as healthy as possible.

And the truth was, that was something that Alex loved about the pancakes: the fact that they are both healthy, and quite delicious at the same time. In fact, when she first tried the pancakes; she honestly thought that they were going to be disgusting, and that she was going to have to send Jay back downstairs so that he could make her something else. But even while she was pregnant, she actually really enjoyed it; and she was quite happy over the fact that she liked the pancakes, because it meant that they were both going to be able to enjoy it for the rest of their lives. But first, Alex just had to tell Jay that she actually likes the pancakes. Turning her head, Alex smirked as she looked up at the same of her dreams. "Did I ever tell you just how much I like the pancakes?" Jay snickered as he heard Alex say that, well aware of the fact that she likes the pancakes that he made for her. "Oh, I am well aware of the fact that you like these pancakes; and that's due to the fact that you always eat them up quite fast whenever I make them, because you really like them." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, just smiling as she put her hand on his arm and cuddled up to the man of her dreams.

After which, she felt Jay move his hand into her lap and just went ahead and grabbed it; meanwhile, Alex also turned her head and looked up into Jay's eyes. Seeing her do just that, Jay smiled as he set the fork that he was using to feed both himself and Alex breakfast; after which, he wrapped his arm around her waist some more and put his hand on her neck. After which, he bent down and smirked so that he could kiss her softly. Taking things nice and slow with his extremely beautiful wife as he kissed her, Jay could just tell that she was enjoying this with him right now. The kiss that they were sharing with each other was both tender, and extremely sexy; just like every other kiss that they've ever shared with each other, simply because they love each other more than anything in the entire world. But now, it was not time for Jay and Alex to really be doing this; especially not when they have company in their room, company that would love to jump on their bed and come steal some of the pancakes that Jay made for both himself and Alex. But that wasn't going to happen, as Jay was being quite stern with his furry friend. Turning his head, Jay looked at Max.

After all, he could see him eyeing the food; the food that he most certainly was not going to be stealing from him, as this is food that he made for him and Alex. And now, it was time for him to say that to Max. Turning his head, Jay looked at his service dog and just glared at him. "If you dare think that you're going to jump up here and get some food, then you're mistaken mister. You are not getting any of the food that I made for us, because it's human food; not dog food." Barking, Max agreed with Jay as he said that before getting down. After which, he proceeded to walk away so that he could sit down on his dog bed. At the same time, Alex decided to roll over a bit and lean her side against Jay's toned chest. After all, that was how she was really comfortable; when she was laying down on her side, and just being all comfortable with her dreamy husband. And that was something that Jay most certainly knew, which was the entire reason why he always held Alex close to him in bed. Because he wants to make sure that she's nice and comfortable in his arms, as they cuddle up to each other in bed. Plus, she's not the only one that's comfortable when they're in bed like this.

Just like Jay, Alex loves being close to him in bed (like this); and she also likes to wrap her arms around him, and just hold him close. So, that's exactly what Alex is in the midst of doing as they enjoy this nice breakfast with each other. She's laying down in his arms, and just cuddling up to him while they feed each other; well, while Jay feeds her. Alex would much rather have her arms wrapped around his chest, rather than grab the fork so that she could feed her husband. So, she just let him do that for her; not that Jay is complaining, as it's exactly what Jay wants to do. He wants to feed the woman he loves, and just give her exactly what they both want right now. So, he's going to keep doing it; just as long as Alex wants him to do it, starting right now. Turning his head, Jay smirked as he proceeded to hold some food out for the woman he loves. He then went ahead and proceeded to give her some of the food. And let's just say that really made Alex laugh due to the fact that it was really sexy, and quite sweet if they're being honest with each other; it's exactly what they both want to do, they want to feed each other as they relax in bed. So, she went to take the bite that Jay was feeding her.

"God, I love it when you feed me like this." Jay agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, well aware that was the case; after which, he bent down and went ahead to kiss the top of her head. And that was something that Alex wanted too, because it was another one of Jay's ways to show her simple signs of affection. Affection that she wants more than anything from the man she loves more than anything in the entire world, whenever they're alone with each other; like they are right now. "Can I ask you a question?" Jay agreed with Alex as she asked him whether she can ask him a question, before going to make a classic "dad joke". ""You just did." Alex laughed as she heard Jay say that, well aware that she basically laid the ground for that one; so, she just ended up sitting up and leaning in so that she could kiss the man she loves softly. "I love you." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, smiling as he took things nice and slow with the most beautiful woman in the entire world. "I love you too Alex, and I will always love you forever."

Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that, before going back to eating. "So, what do you think the kids are doing right now?" Jay laughed as Alex asked him what he thought the kids where doing right now. "In fact, I already know what the kids are in the midst of doing right now." Turning her head, Alex looked up at the man she loves; after all, she didn't know that he knew what the kids are doing. "How do you know what they're doing?" Jay smiled as he stared down into Alex's eyes. "I texted my brother to check on them while I was making breakfast, and he said that they are just out for a walk at the park down the street from the office." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, smiling as that was something that she liked the sound of. "They're actually meeting up with some friends there apparently, because Ethan Choi and April Sexton are in town to get a job." Alex was shocked. "Ethan Choi?" Jay nodded. "Apparently, he's taking over as President and Deputy CEO of Casey Health." Alex bit her lip as she heard her husband say that, getting a bit worried.

"How's your brother feel about it?" 

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