Stella + Surrogacy = Jackson

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Well, now if that wasn't a nice dream that Gabby just had? What are you thinking of that idea that I proposed when it came to them having a fifth child? Do you think how I did it? Do you think that's something I should pursue? Let me know in the comments.

To say that Gabby's dream that she just had with regards to how she and Matt would have another baby was nice, well that was an understatement; because she always loved to get some glimpses into their (hypothetical) future, and just what may lie ahead for them (and their children). But this dream, this possible turn of events that they may have been something that she didn't expect to have to even think about; especially not when it came to the fact that it would involve her best friend, acting as her surrogate. I mean, at least she'd know the surrogate; and she'd trust her explicitly, but is that really a good idea? Mixing friendship, with surrogacy? Is that something that Matt would even be okay with? His best friend's wife carrying his child? And on another note, why is she even thinking about this right now? She's currently pregnant with their third and fourth (and what was supposed to be their fifth) children, which might actually explain why she was thinking about it; because she's thinking about how they can get their son back if it's possible.

But why she thought about it while she was taking a nap, all cuddled up to the man she loves? She had no idea. Then again, that's where all of her dreams happen; when she's cuddled up to Matt in bed, just like she is right now (as he isn't yet awake). Rather, he was fast asleep with his hand on her back; stroking it with her thumb, as he tries to keep her asleep. Something that he's started to do on a regular basis of late, because she's been having a hard time sleeping; due to the miscarriage, and all of the emotions that deal with it. But still, this is just something that she feels like she needs to talk to Matt about; because there are huge repercussions that could happen if it goes bad, because they are both their best friend (and their employees). But that's not the relationship that they need to think about first, as they are friends first, which is really what she's thinking about right now, how this could easily ruin their friendship. Then again, this is just something that she needs to talk to her husband about; but he's asleep right now, and that's okay right now.

She can wait to talk to Matt, because he must need the sleep that he's still dealing with right now; the sleep that he may need due to the fact that he may have had bad dreams the night before, because that's something that Matt can always have whenever he's asleep. God, Gabby just hopes that's not what's happening right now; then again, he wasn't thrashing around (or mumbling) right now. So, that's a good sign that he isn't having PTSD; and that may mean that he's okay, as it also means that she can just take it easy and relax. She can lay down on his chest, and cuddle up to him, which is exactly what she wants to do right now, while she also thinks about what she's going to say to her husband. I mean, this is something that they need to decide together; as it would be his sperm, going into her egg (and her best friend's body/his best friend's wife's body). And that had to be something that would be awkward. God, there's just something that they both need to think about; but she just wishes that she wasn't thinking about it alone.

And that was actually why Matt just woke up, due to the fact that he could just feel like she was thinking right now; because her heart was racing, and that wasn't good for the twins. Right now, she needs to breathe and just relax; so he's going to make sure that she does just that, by also kissing the top of her head and running his hand up and down her back. And that seemed to do the trick, because Gabby was now breathing and relaxing, which was exactly what they need to do right now, they need to relax with each other. "What's going on baby? I know that you don't want to talk sometimes, but this is a time where you need to do that. I can feel your heart beating a bit faster than normal, so that has to mean something." Taking a breath as Matt asked her that, she just knew that this was the time that they were going to have to talk about it; there was no avoiding it, and there was no hiding the fact that she was thinking about something. Matt has learned so many tells recently, and he can tell when she's lying to him as well.

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