Fuckin' Sexy - Part 1

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Hi Readers: I hope you guys liked the chapters that made up December 7th in the story and are ready for the first chapter of December 8th in my story; because I know that I sure am ready to post them, so here they are. Starting with this one.

December 8, 2019 – Halstead Home
That was her husband she was currently staring, the most handsome man in the entire world; just standing right in front of her, as he does exactly what he needs to do to ensure that she's pleased. And boy is Alex Halstead currently pleased, pleased at the sight in front of her, which most definitely includes her husband looking incredibly sexy, and extremely delicious. Almost as delicious as the food that he makes for her, but not as delicious as when he's in the bed with her; because that, well that's just off the charts delicious. And even better, he doesn't even know she's there. So, that means that her husband is completely oblivious to the fact that she's currently looking at her man; and just taking a moment to admire him, and just how fuckin' sexy he is. But as he went ahead and set down the weights onto the ground, Alex just knew that was no longer the case; especially after what he just did to her. Or should she say to the both of them. Because her husband, as much as she loves him, had to know what he just did was going to do to her this Sunday.

On the lord's day of all days, he teases her like the way he just did; god, he is so going to get it from her right now. "I swear to God, you are such a fuckin' tease!" Turning to look at Alex as he grabbed his water bottle, Jay smirked as he looked at his gorgeous wife; the wife who was standing at the door to their gym, wearing nothing but her lingerie for him at the moment. Lingerie that he wished he was the first man to touch this morning, but it turned out that was not going to be the case; as Max just ran over to his gorgeous, lingerie-clad wife. "Hi buddy, seems like somebody wants some attention from mommy this morning." Looking at his wife, Jay was shocked that she even said that; because he most certainly DOES and WILL ALWAYS want to get attention from her, including a bunch of intimacy that he hopes to share with her this morning (and part of the day). After all, they do have the kids back later. And that's why Alex is a bit mad about the fact that Jay decided to leave bed, when their hours alone are numbered; and so is their chances for sex.

"You know, for someone who's wanted to have sex ever since she left the hospital, you really don't take your chances." Laughing as Alex said that, Jay agreed with her; after which, he watched as Alex made her way over to him. And god, was he happy that Alex just walked up to him, because she really does look incredibly sexy; and she's just so damn happy that they're currently holding each other like this, as it's exactly what he wants to be doing with Alex at the moment. He wants to hold her close like this, and he wants to make sure that they're close together with each other right now. Wrapping his arms around his beautiful wife as soon as she was standing in front of him, Jay smirked as he went ahead and bent down so that he could kiss her softly, which is something that Alex most definitely wanted, as she loves Jay more than anything in the entire world. "God, I love you so much; and I'm glad we got to have some time alone with each other." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before going to kiss her forehead softly. "We needed that time."

Looking up at Jay, Alex smiled as she agreed with the man she loves. "You want to know what else we needed?" Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that. "One last chance to wake up together in bed, which you completely ruined." Moving her hands up Jay's chest, Alex put her hands on the top of his head and then proceeded to kiss her man softly; after which, she slapped his cheek and just smiled at Jay as she walked away. Or at least, she tried to walk away; because the moment she turned around to walk away, Jay grabbed her hand and tugged her body right back against his chest. Wrapping his arm around her waist as he held her against his chest, Jay smirked as he stared into Alex's eyes while stroking her cheek. "Oh, now that was really sexy." Smirking as he heard Alex say that, Jay agreed with her before kissing her again. "I have to say, you're pretty sexy too my dear." Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that, glad that he likes to flirt with her. "Oh, don't lie and say that you don't like flirting with me too." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, as that was true.

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