The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Post-Supper Skinny Dip

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of supper? Well, I hope you liked it; but now, it's time for the romantic time to begin. But just not where you think. Now, I just want to say this. This chapter came out of the blue, and I have no idea where I even thought about this; but I hope that you guys like it. Thanks again for reading.

When Gabby told him that she wanted to take a bath, never in a million years did he think that this would be where they took one. That rather than talk a bath in their actually bath, that they would take one in their pool; not that Matt's complaining, as he wasn't. If anything, that was the last thing that he was doing at the moment; because he loves this feeling that he was getting a chance to enjoy with the woman he loves. The feeling of her naked body in his arms as he carried her into the pool and took off his boxers, before throwing them towards the pool chair...where the rest of their clothes currently were, waiting for after their late-night swim. Or as some people would call it, a skinny dip. But for Matt and Gabby, it's just time to be intimate with each other; in the privacy of their pool, where they will not be disturbed. And he made sure that was the case, after he brought all of their plates inside; so, the staff no longer had a reason to come out here. And boy, was Matt glad that was the case; as it meant that he got to have Gabby like this, naked in his arms as they take a nice swim with each other. And god, was it a really nice feeling; even better than having sex in bed, at times.

But that's especially the case, for Gabby; as it makes it a lot easier to be nice and close to the man she loves, without being limited by a mattress. And that's something that is always bothering her, how she would want him to go deeper; but he just doesn't have the ability to, because he can't go deeper into the mattress. But here in the pool, there are no limits when it comes to how deep Matt can take things; at least, not when he's the one that's pinned against the wall. Because that's how Matt's going to be, pinned to the wall; meanwhile, she's going to be in front of him. It will be much more comfortable, and Gabby wants to make sure that Matt knows that ahead of time, which is why she asked him if they could just float first for a bit, which Matt was more than okay with doing. After all, he loves the feeling her naked body against his; especially when her legs are around his waist, and his hands are free to roam all over her pregnant body. Rubbing her back, Matt smiled as he felt Gabby move her hand to the back of his head and bring his lips to hers; at the same time, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kept him close to her (which is exactly what they both wanted tonight).

They wanted to be close to each other, as they held each other close; and they celebrated their third wedding anniversary, in some of the most intimate ways possible. Because this is not something that you can do in the bath, nor can he explore her body like this; while also moving his lips to her neck and sucking on it (which he did as soon as he started to think about doing that). And let's just say that Gabby loved that he just did that, because it really turned her on; so much so, that she just grabbed the back of his head and started to moan. And boy is Gabby glad that they decided to do something else, which would be turn some music on. With them having neighbors nearby, they both knew that people would be able to hear them if they didn't put some music on; so that's exactly what they ended up doing. They put some music on, and just made sure that they wouldn't be heard by their neighbors; and Gabby was glad that he did that, because this is exactly what she wants to do with Matt. She wants to feel his lips on her neck, as she moans his name; and god, it's so damn perfect. She just loves the way that he's making her moan. "Fuck Matt, such a turn on." Matt smirked.

Turning his head as he moved his hands to her stomach (and just stood at the bottom of the pool), Matt smirked as he looked at his beautiful wife. "Which part? The naked part...." Moving his lips close to Gabby's neck, Matt proceeded to whisper to her.... "...or the part where I'm sucking on your neck?" ...before immediately moving his lips to Gabby's neck and starting to suck on it; just as she wanted him to do, because that was just something that is truly sexy. And for her husband to have just done that, on the night of their anniversary; well, that's something that she loves. So much so, that she decided to wrap her arms around his neck; after which, she felt Matt wrap her legs around his waist even more so that he could hold her close to him. And boy did Matt like the feeling that he was getting from his gorgeous wife, because it's really sexy; and they are both extremely happy to be doing this with each other, just enjoying the feeling of the two of them holding each other in the pool as they please each other. "I swear, you really know how to please me baby." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that's the case. "Oh, I can only imagine just how pleased you are."

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