Comforting Cuddles, and Questions

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Hello Readers: What are you guys thinking of the new chapters that I have posted for you today? Chapters that surround Matt and Gabby, and only Matt and Gabby; I hope that you guys are liking them and are ready for some more chapters. Because that's what you're going to be getting today as we continue this journey that we're on together. Thanks again for reading.

"Do you think me working on the company, was my way of trying to change my mind? And to try and distract myself from the grief of loosing another baby?" -Matthew Casey

To say that question didn't cross Gabby's mind, as to why Matt worked today (against what he originally planned to do); well, that would be a lie. Rather, that was question that did cross Gabby's mind when it came to why he was working today; rather than cuddling up to her in bed, just like they were in the midst of doing right now. What they should've been doing while Matt was working, rather than him being away from her. Maybe if he was working in bed, then she would've been okay with that; but him working away from her was not something that she was okay with, as she didn't want him to be anywhere other than with her in bed right now. She wants to hold the man she loves close to her, and she wants to make sure that they relax with each other. That they hold each other close, and that they take it easy with each other; because that's what they need to do with each other, and boy was she glad that they were in the midst of doing it right now...but just not in silence, as she knew that Matt was waiting for her to give him an answer today.

And that's why she felt horrible that she was still quiet, as she knew that Matt wanted her to talk to him; that he wanted to get an answer to his question, and she just wishes that she could give him that answer already. "Sorry I'm taking so long to answer your question." Moving his hand to Gabby's back, Matt shook his head while also stroking it with his thumb; at the same time, he turned his head and then kissed the top of hers. He then decided to move his lips to her forehead and kissed it once again; but he didn't just do it once, but he ended up deciding to leave his lips there, as he knew that he would have to give Gabby's forehead another kiss soon. "It's okay Gabby." And just like he expected, Matt then went ahead and kissed her forehead again. "You need to take some time to think about what's going on, and what you want to tell me." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "Maybe we can start with what you're thinking? Whether you think that's what you were doing; because at the end of the day, only you know why you did it." Matt agreed.

Taking a breath as he ran his hand up and down Gabby's back, Matt proceeded to stroke her back once again; turning his head again, Matt bent down and kissed the top of her head. "Did you working change your mind? Make you think of something else?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether him working changed his mind, as it most definitely did change his mind; it allowed him to concentrate on something else, allowed him to concentrate on his work, and just doing some things that might make his plans to build his company forward. "I guess, one way it helped was that it distracted me." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before laying her head down on his heart. "Then I think that's exactly what you did. You did some work so that you could change your mind, and so that you could just think about something that's been a constant in our lives since we started it; the company is something that you know is always going to be there, unlike me." Matt was shocked as he heard Gabby say that, as that was not the truth.

"Hey, where did that come from?" Looking up at the man she loves, Gabby took a breath as it was the truth; she wasn't always there for him, especially when she left him so that she could run away from their marriage. "Matt, you already know when I'm talking about; we're talking about when I ran away to go to Puerto Rico." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "But we also agreed that you going to Puerto Rico may have also saved our marriage, as it gave us a time to breathe and just relaxed; it reminded us just how much we wanted to be with each other, and just how much we wanted to be with each other." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know, we shouldn't always go back to this; and I think that I just need to drop it but..." Moving his finger under her chin, Matt pushed Gabby's head up and then bent down so that he could kiss her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves, Matt smirked due to the fact that he was glad that they were here.

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