Post-Breakfast Comfort Cuddles

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out to you guys, just got a bit distracted when it came to what I was doing. However, I want to let you know that I'm back, and I'm ready to write some more for you guys; but first, I want to let you guys know about something that's going on in my life. I want to let you all know that there's a reason why I am writing so much right now, and that's due to the fact that I am unemployed for the moment. And right now, I am still (actively) looking for a job; so, that's why there are times where I can't update as much. But now that I did a bit of job hunting, I hope that I can now give you guys a few more chapters in the last five-and-a-half hours (minus a supper break) that I have before I need to get off. Thanks for reading and enjoy.

Also, quick note: If any of you readers have any requests for more information or have questions about the story; then feel free to comment or send me a I'm certain that you aren't the only one who has that question, and I can address it in my chapters. Thanks again for reading my story, and I hope that you guys continue to enjoy the stuff that I'm writing for you guys.

One last reminder: I decided to change Matt's mom's last name earlier in the story, as she no longer wanted to be tied to her abusive ex-husband Gregory Casey (Matt and Christie's dad); so, she decided to take the name Nancy Mathies. Mathies is a created family name, which is a combination of her children's names. Matthew and Christie, or Mathies. Thanks again for reading. Enjoy readers.


The breakfast that Matt and Gabby just enjoyed with each other was absolutely delicious, and exactly what they needed this morning; that was the compliment that Matt gave to his mother-in-law this morning, while he was bringing the plates downstairs so that they could be washed. And while he was originally going to wash them, Camila told him that he shouldn't bother; and that was due to the fact that she was going to do them, since he had more important things to do. Important things, that are not in the kitchen; rather, they're upstairs in his bedroom. And we all know what Camila is talking about when she said that, as she's talking about Gabby; who's still hurting from the loss of their third son, not that she can be judged for that. Of course, the mother is hurting, as she wants to have children; nobody could ever fault her for that, nor could they say that she can't take the time she needs to mourn for said child. Rather, she can take all the time she needs; just so that she can make sure that she's okay, with the help of her loving husband.

That's his job after all, to help (and love) his wife through the good times; as well as the bad times, which this time most certainly is. While they have gone through it before, that doesn't mean that this isn't another one of those hard times; it's a tragic time, where they are taking time with each other to mourn the loss of another one of their children. And that's something to no parent wants to do, even if their child hadn't been born yet; to them, they were already born in their hearts. While they may not have held him yet, they still loved him more than anything in the entire world; and that's all it really takes to make someone feel like they need to mourn a loss, even though they never met the person. If you feel like you've already made a connection with said person, including an unborn child; then you have the right to mourn them, and that's exactly what the couple here are going to do. They're going to hold each other, as they mourn the loss of their son Jackson; the son that they'll never get to meet but will still love in their hearts forever.

And they're going to make a legacy for him, even though nobody will ever get a chance to meet him; and that legacy will be through the use of the name that they were going to give him, Jackson David Casey. They are going to use that name, as the name that they're going to give their foundation; their memorial foundation, which is going to do a lot of good in the world. Whether that be for health, or for something else; with their wealth, as well as Gabby's willpower...something good will come out of this tragic loss, because they're going to change the world with the charity that they're going to create in Jackson's honor; but first, they need to figure out what the charity is going to be about, right after they take some more time to mourn. And that mourning process is ongoing, as Matt and Gabby prepare to hold each other close in bed once again; as that's what the couple need to do today, hold each other close as they relax in bed with each other...especially with their anniversary a few days away, Gabby wants to be (somewhat) happy for that.

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