Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 2C

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Walking out of his closet after getting changed (again), Jay took a breath as he watched Alex standing at her dresser while seemingly struggling a bit right now; and he could tell that right now, she was a bit stressed (which was not what she needed right now). Rather, she needs to take it easy; and she needs to relax, which was the entire reason that Jay put his jeans on in the first place. Because it would help her with calming down and breathing. Had he kept his sweats on, Alex would be turned on most of the night; and that was the last thing that he wanted for her. He wanted her to relax, and just take things easy. He doesn't want her to have to worry about anything....because that isn't healthy for anybody, especially not a while who is still recovering after giving birth to their twins. And that was why Jay was going to do this, wear jeans for her. And he just hopes that Alex appreciates the gesture and doesn't think that he's doing this because he wants her in bed (even though he does). He's doing this because he loves her, and that's the only reason that he's doing it. He's doing it simply because he loves her, and that was what he was going to tell Alex now that he was with her.

Walking up behind her, Jay decided to set his shirt down on the end of their bed (as her dresser is really close to it); after which, he moved close to Alex and put his hands on her hips so that he could concentrate on her. Moving his hands to her hips, Jay looked at his beautiful wife in the mirror as she truly is gorgeous, which is something that he hopes Alex already knows, without him having to say anything. And so far, he hasn't said anything; rather, he's just run his hands up and down her arm for a moment so that he can hold her close. And that truly was perfect, and exactly what Alex needed Jay to do as he held her close to him. It was perfect, and very comforting; as was her turning around so that she was facing the man she loves, with her hands on his chest. Stepping close to Alex after she turned around in his arms, Jay smiled as he just held her close (in silence) for a moment. After which, he brought her body close to her and then leaned in to kiss her softly; moving her hand to Jay's neck after he kissed her, Alex took things slow with him.

And let's just say that truly was everything that they both wanted to do right now, as it really was perfect; the way that they were holding each other, and just taking things nice and slow with each other. When Jay and Alex say that this is all they want to do right now, they truly mean that because it's just so damn perfect. It's very comfortable, and they are both very happy to be holding each other close. And since that's exactly what they're doing, as they stand in silence; it just makes them both smile, simply because it's what they want to do right now. They want to hold each other close, as they just take it easy and relax. "Sorry I didn't put my shirt on." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware of the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt right now; but she's okay with that, as it's calming her down. It's giving her a chance to relax, and just take it easy with the man she loves; because at the end of the day, that's really want she wants to do. She wants to make sure that they both relax and hold each other close. "It's okay. I like this right now."

Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before getting close to her and holding her against his chest; at the same time, Alex wrapped her arms around his back and just held the love of her life close to her...because that's really what she wants to do right now. After which, she leaned back and turned her head so that she could look at the man she loves. Just smiling at him, Alex couldn't help but feel happy over the fact that she was currently standing this close to the man she loves, the man of her dreams, Jay Halstead. Leaning in to kiss him, Alex smirked due to the fact that this really is everything that she needs right now. She needs to hold the man she loves close to him, and just take things slow with him; and that's why Alex was really happy when she felt Jay move his hands to her hips as they held each other. Just taking things slow with Alex, Jay smirked due to the fact that this really is exactly what they both need to do right now; they need to hold each other close, and just take a breath as they remember just how much they love each other.

"I love you Alex, and I really hate it when we fight." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that was the case; after all, that's how she feels too. She really hates it when she and Jay fight, and it's the last thing that she wants to do with him. "Good, so that's agreed to; we have fighting with each other, so we're not going to fight right now." Jay laughed as he heard Alex say that, before stepping close to her; after which, he wrapped his arms around his beautiful wife and just held her against his chest. Leaning in, Jay smirked as he started to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you Alex, and I want you to think about that as we hold each other; and when we take it easy. Because that's what we need to do, especially when we're going downstairs with each other." Alex laughed as she heard Jay say that, as that most definitely is the case. "I think that's what I should be telling you, as you're the one that's shirtless." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that's the case.

He then went ahead and proceeded to grab his shirt, so that he could put it on; that way, he won't be shirtless anymore. And that's especially important, as they need to head downstairs so that they can spend some time with their family. "So, have we decided what we're going to tell people when it comes to the kids? Are we going to ask for time alone after we're done with hanging out as a family? Because we might as well pack the kids up?" Watching as Jay tugged his shirt down, Alex smiled as she stepped close to Jay once again; after which, she wrapped her arms around his neck, while Jay once again moved his hands to her hips. 

Leaning in, Jay then smirked as he took things nice and slow with his wife

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Leaning in, Jay then smirked as he took things nice and slow with his wife. "I want to do whatever I can to make you happy." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that was the case. "And you do an expert job when it comes to that, I hope you know that." Jay agreed with Alex as she told him that, and smiled simply because he was really happy at the moment, because he had his beautiful wife with him.

"By the way, I think we already know the kids aren't going to be here tonight; so, I think that we should, because that way Will has everything he needs for when he leaves with them, because we're taking him up on the offer." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, before wrapping her arms around his neck; after which, Jay wrapped his arms around his beautiful wife as they both held each other close and just cuddled up to each other. But this hug wasn't going to last long, as they both knew that they had to get going; but not without one last kiss, which Alex just secured as she leaned back and went to steal a kiss from Jay. "I love you." Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that, before kissing her once again. "I love you too Alex, now let's get out of here so that we can get everything done; and then we can head downstairs and spend some time with the family, before we get some more time as husband and wife." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, moving to grab his hand as they got ready to pack up their kids ahead of a nice night alone without them.

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