Getting Settled with Rafael and Gabby

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Hi Readers: Are you guys enjoying today's chapters? Well, I hope you are; because I am ready to give you some more. Enjoy.

Office of the Chairman and CEO – Taking off his jacket as he walked into his office this morning, Matt smiled as he made his way past before hearing his personal assistant speak to him. "Mr. Casey?" Turning his head as he put his jacket over his arm, Matt smiled as he turned his head and looked at his PA. "Good morning Jacob." Jacob Moore smiled as he heard his boss say that, before continuing with what he was going to say. "I hope you had a good weekend Mr. Casey." Matt agreed with Jacob as he asked him whether he had a good weekend. "Me and my wife both had a great weekend, where we celebrated our anniversary." Jacob agreed with the CEO as he said that, smiling at her. "I'm well aware, and I have made sure to keep the messages low for that reason. Now, I was hoping that we could go over all the messages that we got this weekend; and I'm wondering if we should do it later this week, as you are far too busy." Matt agreed with Jacob as he said that because that was the case. "Well, I have time at four; but I was going to try and head home early." Jacob agreed with Matt as he said that. "Well, I was thinking; maybe I can send you the messages in an e-mail?" Matt agreed.

"Oh, I would most definitely enjoy that; it'll make things easier, and I can make notes. Please put them in order of importance." Jacob agreed with his boss as he said that. "Would you like me to sort them by division?" Matt smiled. "I swear, you make things better each and every day. Now, I think I need to go into my office as Mr. Solano is waiting for me?" Jacob agreed. "Yes, he is sir. As is your wife." Matt smiled. "World you like me to hold your calls? I know that you're going to be busy." Matt agreed. "Please set up my extension to automatically go to your extension, and you can screen the calls. If there are any major vendors, then I will speak to them; and I will also speak to my lawyers, of course." Jacob agreed with Matt as he said that, as those are some people that he can never miss. "Of course, Mr. Casey." Matt agreed with Jacob as he said that, before smiling. "Listen, I need to go talk to Gabby and Mr. Solano." Jacob agreed with his boss as he said that, before watching him walk away so that he can get settled this morning, while also getting to work.

"Well, I'm glad that your pup there is comfortable as he sits in Matt's office." Gabby agreed with Rafael as he said that, sitting down at her desk that she has in Matt's office. Yes, Gabby works in his office too; and there's a reason for that, which is due to the fact that she's pregnant with their daughters. Plus, it doesn't hurt that she also likes to look at her husband at times. He is quite handsome, and Gabby is really happy when they are together in the same office, which is exactly the case now, as Matt just walked into his office. "Hi baby. How was your meeting with Will and Ethan?" Matt snickered. "I gave them a project to do." Turning his head as he heard his boss say that, Rafael decided to open his iPad to take a note. "Do you mind sharing what task you gave them? I can make sure that they work on it if you'd like Matt." Matt smiled. "Actually, I am going to be overseeing that project; because I am interested in the outcome." Walking up to his chair, Matt proceeded to set his jacket down on the back of his chair; after which, he smiled at Gabby.

Seeing Matt smile at her, Gabby shook her head. "Don't even think about it. We're working today, and I may even stay all day." Matt bit his lip when Gabby said that, as he didn't want her to work too much. "We'll see. If I think you need to go home and take it easy, then I think we'll have to do that." Looking at Matt, Gabby agreed with her husband; after all, she knew that he was worried about her...both for her sake, and for the sake of their daughters. And she's more than okay with that because she loves the fact that her husband is protective of her; she finds it attractive actually, because she's happy right now. Then again, she's always happy when she's with her husband; simply because she loves him more than anything in the entire world, and that makes her happy. It will always make her happy that she and Matt are together. "Okay, I am just going to say this in between the both of you...because I can see that you guys are making eyes at each other. So, I am not going to be part of that." Matt agreed with Rafael as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I am well aware that's the case; and I promise, we're going to take it easy. We're going to relax and get to work."

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