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I bit my lip staring at the rack of books with unseeing eyes. I could feel their eyes burning into my back. A group of girls stood a few feet behind me whispering and giggling. I've seen them around school, they're two grades bellow me. My eyes darted around nervously; it felt like everyone was staring at me.

“Mom said she wants to pay,” Emma said softly from next to me.

I nodded, following her silently with my head bowed and eyes on my shoes. This was the one thing I hated about the end of the summer. The school shopping a week before school started up again. We use to do it a whole lot earlier but it seemed that we were running late this year. The shops were filled with families looking for all the stuff. I hated shopping.

We reached my parents a few minutes later. My dad gave me a disapproving stare before walking off. It's always the same thing with him. No matter what I did he never seemed satisfied with me. I've tried my best doing things I didn't even want to do just because he liked it. He gave more attention to Sam and Emma than he did to me. He would praise Emma for getting fifty percent on a test but with me, he would always mutter 'You can do better.’

That's why I'm always worried about school and studying until I'm sick. I just wanted my dad to be proud of me like he was of my other siblings. Sometimes I wondered if it was because I looked nothing like him. My brother, Brad, was a younger replica of him. While my sisters had his nose and hair colour, my hair was lighter and my eyes a different colour than theirs. Everyone in our family had dark blue eyes while mine were Cornflower blue; a lighter shade that caught unwanted attention.

When I was younger I thought I looked more like my mother, but as I grew older my hair and eye colour changed. 

“Right. We only need to get those plastic files you need Alia,” my mom said, glancing up from the list.

“And a new school skirt with some shirts,” I muttered, softly.

“Maybe if you stop eating all the junk food we wouldn't need to buy you new clothes every month,” my dad spoke up.

“Michael!” My mom glared at him.

“What?” He pointed at me. “She eats two plates of food and uses her money at school to buy-”

“Shut up!” My mom placed her hand on my arm, giving it a squeeze.

I avoided her gaze as the pain settled in my chest. Self-consciously my hand moved to my stomach. Shame washed through when I remembered checking my school clothes. The zip and button of the skirt wouldn't close at all and the white shirts were too tight over my boobs. Was it really because of all the second plates I ate and the food I got from the school cafeteria?

“You can pay, Alia and I will go get some shirts. We can get the other school clothes tomorrow, Emma needs to check hers too,” mom said softly.

She took my arm leading me out of the store and into the mall. “Don't mind your father, honey.” She wrapped her arm around my shoulders squeezing me against her side. “You're growing up, your body is changing. It's something men don't understand.”

“But it's true,” I glanced up at her, “my skirt won't fit because I've gained weight. My hips are bigger than they were last year. And even my shirts won't close all the way!”

“Alia, your shirts won't close because your boobs have gotten bigger.” My face heated in embarrassment. “It's normal, clothes shrink as time passes. You've had the same clothes since the two schools merged. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your weight, honey. Nothing.”

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now