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I woke up alone in bed. It was a surprise that I managed to sleep the whole night through without any nightmares. True to his word, Stephen had snuck into my bed as soon as everyone fell asleep.

Rolling onto my back, I stretched my body and the relaxed back into the soft mattress. The sun was just starting to rise. I sat up to listen if everyone else was moving around.

I heard the distinctive sound of something banging against the wall followed by moans. My cheeks heated as I rushed around the room to get dressed. Opening my door slightly, I peeked up and down the hall.

The sound was coming from the bedroom right down the hall. I stepped out into the hall and pulled my bedroom door close behind me.

“Ah fuck!”

The exclamation made me stumble slightly. With heated cheeks I raced down the stairs and straight to the kitchen. As my hand closed around one of the cups, the banging started up again.

I instantly pulled back and decided to go for a walk on the beach instead. The wind was a little stronger than it was yesterday. It whipped my hair around my face and my t-shirt around my body. I stared at the big waves rolling up and crashing into white foam on the sand.

Sucking in a deep breath, I allowed my head to drop back with my eyes fluttering close.
What would it feel like to wake up to this every morning? My eyes snapped open as two strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I glanced over my shoulder.

Stephen's eyes caught mine only briefly before his lips smashed onto mine. I tried to turn around but he kept me in place. Once of his hand trailed up over my stomach, between my breasts, and then settled on my neck. With his hand on my neck he, he guided my head back to deepen the kiss. He tasted like coffee. I moaned, raising my hands to wrap them around his neck.  His arm tightened around my waist. I could feel his arousal growing against my ass. Breaking the kiss, his lips trailed down my neck to my collarbone. His teeth sunk into my skin slightly.

“Morning baby,” he said huskily. “Did you sleep well?”

“Mm,” I hummed as I turned around in his arms. “I slept great.”

“I thought you'd be asleep for a couple of more hours.”

My eyes dropped to his chest. He was only wearing a pair of black shorts. His chest was on full display and glistering with sweat.

“I would've, but...uuu…  Sebastian and Trina are being pretty loud.”

He chuckled. “This is nothing baby. You should've heard them the last time we went camping.”

A giggle fell from my lips but it died down when my eyes locked with his. They were filled with heat which made my body respond in return. I could feel my panties dampening. The last time he looked at me like that, he had fingered me until I begged him to stop.

“Everyone else still asleep?” he whispered against my lips.

I nodded. His hands gripped my ass to pull me flash against him. I parted my lips to allow his tongue entrance. Stephen's hands trailed down the back of my thighs. He groaned as he lifted me and guided my legs around his waist.

I didn't care that anyone could see us, I wanted him so badly. My hips grinded against his as he started walking. I was briefly aware of us entering the house and moving towards the stairs.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now