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MIST HUNG IN THE air heavily. The room buzzing with voices as everyone rushed around. I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my body as I strapped on my bulletproof vest. I checked my guns making sure everything is right before walking over to Michael.

They stood around a table, a map of the property laid out on it. The house is small, surrounded by a few arches of forest. If he gets out, catching him will be hard.

          "I say we give him a chance to surrender before going in."

         "No." I straightened glaring over the table at the man. "We give him a chance to surrender and he might kill her."

         "She might already be dead."

My muscles tightened ready for action. Michael placed a hand  on my arm keeping me back. I glanced at him giving him a stiff nod. I need to keep my temper in check or I will be forced to stay here.

            "We go in." I pointed at a spot on the map. "Without him knowing that way we can catch him off guard. We need to surround the house, if he gets out and run into the woods we need to be prepared."

We spend a few more minutes planning everything. By the time we are done the other force has arrived and we are ready to head out. I walked out into the cold air sending a silent prayer up, before getting into the car.

Turning on the siren's I followed the other cars out onto the road. Traffic moved aside as we sped past getting closer and closer to Alia.

             "You need to keep your emotions separate."

I glanced at Michael giving him a stiff nod. It will be hard, but I'll try my best. I can't fuck this up, if I fuck this up Alia will be in danger. He might kill her before we get to her.

          "She might already be dead."

My hands tightened on the steering wheel, my body tensing. She's alive. Alia is alive, I know she is. She has to be.

Turning off onto a dirt road, I slowed as we neared the clearing. A house stood in the middle, old and falling apart. The white paint is chipped showing the dark wood beneath. Planks are missing from the porch steps, some windows are broken.

Getting out of the car I pulled my gun waiting for the all clear. It's  silent, only the wind in the trees are heard. I glanced around watching as everyone got into position. My whole body tensed up as a cry filled the air.

The cry of a baby.

I glanced at Michael, his face is pale hand tightening around the gun.

          "Everyone is in position."

We moved forward making it only halfway before fire broke out.  I ran to the side of the house pressing my back against the wood. The gunshots came from a window at the front preventing us from entering.

Michael is stuck in it along with a few other officers. Giving a signal I moved along the wall to the back. The back is clear. I slowly made my way towards the door gun ready. Opening it I wince as it creaked, thankfully the gun fire  continued.

My nose scrunched up as the smell filled my nostrils the moment I stepped inside. It's dark almost impossible to see. Two officers stepped in behind me glancing around. I pointed to a doorway to the left and one to the right. They went left and I went right.

I barely made it two steps when I'm hit from behind. Stumbling forward I cupped my head glancing up just in time to see someone running out the back door. Letting out a curse I stood grabbing my gun and following.

           "Someone ran out back." The voice cracked through the radio.

Ignoring it I ran into the trees dodging rocks and fallen trees. The gun shots echoed around making the birds flee from their shelter in the trees. I paused chest rising and falling as I tried to steady my breathing.

It's silent.

I turned in a slow circle glancing around. Trees spread on for miles upon end. The wind has picked up, the cold slowly seeping into my skin. A branch snapped, leaves crunching then a whimper.

My heart is beating fanatically in my chest as I took of in the direction the sounds came from. It's a girl, I can tell from the lightness of the footsteps. I stopped again listening, shouts echoed around the trees. Followed by another round of gun shots.

          "Suspect on the loose! He ran into the woods!"



MY BREATH IS SHALLOW goosebumps covering my skin. The rain is falling heavily down upon us, the sky dark and thunder echoing around. The house is empty, he's gone and there's no sign of Alia.

Wiping the droplets from my face I leaned against a nearby tree. We've been searching for hours. I'm not even sure who's searching anymore, if they're still searching.

Sucking in a shaky breath I pushed away from the tree stumbling forward.

Someone screamed. I ran slightly stumbling over my own feet. My chest hurt, but I kept on running, another scream followed. I can feel it, I know it's her. I know it's Alia.

           "Fucking stupid bitch."

I froze.

            "Shut up!"

Spinning around I ran towards the voices. The cries of a baby growing louder and louder the closer I got. I broke out into a clearing my eyes instantly falling on his dark figure.

          "Step away from her!" I yelled holding up my gun.

He span around. My eyes dropped to the bundle behind him trying to find shelter under some boulders.

           "I'm not saying it again!"

He raised his hands slowly moving back. I stepped forward walking towards them. With the gun still pointed at him. I crouch in front of the them. The baby continued to cry, the girl whispering something under her breath.

I couldn't take it anymore. My eyes dropped from him, straight onto her.

Our eyes locked and it felt like time stood still.


We found her.

My eyes snapped back to him as he started laughing. He stepped closer and I straightened standing in front of them. Alia, we found her. She's alive.

           "So the bitch talked?" He laughed again taking another step forward. "I wondered how long she would keep her mouth shut. Couldn't take the pressure."

He pulled a gun. The first shot was fired by him, the second and then the third, by me.

I stumbled back a groan falling from my lips. The pain in my chest is unbearable but I pushed it aside. Turning I kneeled in front of them my eyes trailing over her. She's shaking, her body curled up with the baby pressed to her chest.

          "I found them."

I got a reply but the words flew over my head as our eyes locked again.


The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now