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I clutched Stephen's hand tightly as the doctor checked me over. He was still young– about mid thirties– with blond hair and pale green eyes. He wrote something down on a clipboard before turning to us. He smiled.

“Everything looks good, but I’m still worried. I’ve ordered some test that needs to be done. We’ll discuss that once I have the results.” He stepped closer to the bed.

“What caused the miscarriage?” Stephen asked.

“It’s hard to tell. A miscarriage could be caused by anything. You suffered a Placental abruption. The placenta separated from the inner wall of the uterus which caused the bleeding. Commonly this usually takes place before giving birth, but it can happen at early stage. As far as I could tell, you were about seven weeks pregnant,” he paused. “The embryo attached to the uterus but not as it should. If it was detected earlier there might have been a way to save the pregnancy.”

“It would’ve been detected?”

The doctor nodded. “An ultrasound would’ve confirmed it. We would’ve made arrangements then to prevent this from happening.” The doctor gave both of us a small smile. “There won’t be any complications if you want to get pregnant again, but I suggest you wait a few months before trying again. One of the nurses will bring you some information about after care. I’ll see you again once I have the results of the test.”

The room was deadly silent once he left. I slowly turned to look at Stephen. Without saying a word he stood. Stephen started to pace back and forth in front of the bed. 

“I should’ve made an appointment at the doctor the moment I realized. I was so fucking stupid.”

“I noticed the changes in your body that day we made love Alia. I found the pregnancy tests.” He turned to face me. “I didn’t think any about the tests but then I saw. I was waiting for you to tell me.”

I wiped the tears that fell down my cheeks. Stephen walked closer and took a seat on the edge of the bed. He took my hands and pressed a kiss against my knuckles.

“Why didn’t you tell me baby?”

“I-I was s-so scared that y-you'd leave me.” “Oh baby,” he whispered, pulling me against his chest. “I’m not a bastard. You should’ve just told me and we would’ve told your parents together. We would’ve worked it all out together. Instead you kept it all to yourself. We’re in it together baby. You and me.”


I was released from the hospital two week later. Patrick and Tyler came to visit me whenever they could. I also saw my mom and Sam with Emma. Michael sometimes came with them, but he never said anything to me. I smiled and laughed with them, but inside a part of me still felt dead. The doctor had explained that I might have some complications if I do get pregnant again. It took me a while to understand that it was the reason he ordered the test.

Stephen had sat by my side through it all. He would ask questions at some points and just listen attentively at others. He came to visit me every day but something was different. Stephen was silent most of the time and when he talked, he was trying too hard to act okay.
A part of me knew he was hurting just as badly as I was, but he didn’t want to show that. He had his pride.

My mother had offered for me to come home. She said that she had spoken to Michael and that he had no problem with it. Going home meant that I had to put on a brave face. With Stephen I knew that he would understand if I just started crying. Stephen picked me up from the hospital and drove me home to collect some of my things. I packed a bag of clothes and a few personal items. After having a cup of coffee with my mother, we left again. I expected the house to still be a mess, especially the kitchen, but to my surprise everything looked normal. There was no sign of the shootout that had taken place weeks ago.

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