Chapter Twenty Two

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I JUMPED UP GRABBING my bed sheets to cover my body. However I knew it was too late, she already saw everything she wasn't suppose to.

"I-I can e-explain." I said before she could say anything.

I stood straighter biting back a moan as the bullet moved. The vibrations has turned up, I must have pressed the button in fright.

Fuck! My knees are starring to shake. It's vibrating against that spot, the one I've read about in books.

I looked up. Her face is red mouth opening and closing as she searched for something to say. Stephen! The phone laid forgotten on the bed. I glance at her then at the phone.

Oh God! This is so embarrassing! I moved towards the bed bending slightly to pick up the phone. Big fucking mistake!

I came.

My muscles clenched around the bullet, legs giving way beneath me, making me sink to the floor. I couldn't stop the moan from falling from my lips. I'm seeing stars.

When I finally drifted back to earth my bedroom door is closed. My harsh breathing filled the room. Shudders moved through my body. I quickly searched for the remote switching up the vibrator.

Next I picked up my phone with a shaky hand pressing it against my ear.


The other side of the phone is silent, but I could hear his harsh breathing. A few seconds passed before he spoke.

"Are you okay, baby?"

I hummed to tired to speak. My mind is mush body satisfied.

"You need to make sure you clean your toy, okay?" He's just as breathless as me, does that mean he-?

"Did you come too?" I whispered leaning my head against my bed.

"Yes, I came with you."

"You heard?" My voice came out in a squeak as more embarrassment flooded me.

"Yes. Who walked in?"

I bit my lip feeling tears of humiliation filling my eyes. What just happened is something that can never be changed.

"My m-mom."

I groaned pulling the sheet over my head. I can't.. This changes so much.

"It will be okay Alia." Stephen said softly as a tear dropped down my cheek.

"No it won't be!" My voice rose slightly. "My mom just walked in on me having phone sex with my boyfriend!"

He's completely silent and it took me a while until the words registered. I just called him my boyfriend. Fuck!


"Boyfriend huh?" He said softly, too softly.

I can't tell if he's angry or not. His voice gave nothing away.

"Stephen I-" I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Is this your way of asking me to be your boyfriend?"

My mouth open and closed as I tried to figure out what to say. Is he being serious or is he joking?

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" I whispered my heart beating erratically in my chest.

"Mmm." He hummed softly. "Will you be my girlfriend Alia Julie Dune?"

I smiled happiness filling me. My stomach is fluttering with a whole new sensation. He asked me to be his girlfriend!



BY THE TIME I'VE made myself presentable, I've finally gotten enough courage to walk out of my room.

I found my mom in the kitchen sitting at the table while drinking coffee. My face heated again, happiness forgotten as fear flashed through me.


She looked up at me her eyes almost instantly dropping again. She can't even look me in the eye!

"Sit down honey."

I bit my lip stepping further into the kitchen. Pulling the chair out I sank down onto it. Minutes passed in silence before she finally spoke up.

"I'm not going to give you the talk about the birds and bee's because I know you know about it." She paused sucking in a shaky breath. "What I just walked in on made me realize that in a few days your turning eighteen. You're not a little girl anymore."


She held up her hand making my close my mouth again. "I think it's time you start looking into birth control."

Birth control, something I've never thought about until I met Stephen. It has crossed my mind a few times but I pushed it to the back.

"You're okay with this?" I whispered looking up at her.

She gave me a small sad smile. "Of course not, but it will make me feel better knowing that you're safe."

"I'll start looking into it before we leave." I paused our eyes locking. "Are you going to tell dad?"

"He'll ground you for life." She laughed. "No, I'm not going to tell him."

"Thank you."

She stood shaking her head at me. "Next time just make sure you lock the door."

I nod watching as she walked out of the kitchen. Running a hand down my face I sigh my shoulders dropping. At least I don't have to worry about my dad.

I'm his girlfriend!

I smiled getting up. Grabbing a water bottle I made my way back into my room. Time to clean my toy and then make sure I've packed everything.

Thankfully my mom didn't forbid me from going on the trip. I'm really looking forward to it. A week with Kate and her son. To forget all the worries about school and everything else.

What about your assignments? The little voice in my head questioned making me groan.

If my parents find out about that they will keep me here for sure.

I searched through my school bag taking the file out with the papers. Grabbing my pencil case I added them to my bag of clothes. I can start on them there and finish it on Saturday night when we come back.

Though, I have this feeling that we won't be doing any school work at all. Kate said something about going to a club to celebrate my birthday.

How are we going to do that with little Derrick?

My eyes fell on the clock a bubble of excitement filling my stomach. Only three more hours left until I leave town for the first time!


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