Chapter Forty Five

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I GRUNT CLOSING MY eyes briefly as I try to fight of the pain from the hit. Another hit to my ribs made me stumble back and my hold on the guy loosened. He took that chance running off.

Mumbling curses under my breath I followed him. Running down the hall the man slipped out of the back door, I followed a groan as he jumped the fence.

"Suspect on the loose." I said into my radio heaving myself up and over the fence.

The yard is silent, toys laying around and an old trampoline forgotten. I took a step forward eyes scanning the area. House is locked so he won't enter there, fence too high to jump. My eyes fell on the tree lips pulling up into a smirk. I got to give it to him, climbing a tree is pretty smart.

"Why don't you come down from there?" I glanced up at him with a raised eyebrow. "I really, really don't feel like climbing up there to get you."

"Fuck you!"

Laughing I walked over to a piece of rope laying on the ground. "Oh I know you'd love to, but I don't really swing that way."

Tying the familiar knot I hooked it around his foot hanging from the branch. I tightened it ignoring his cries and curses.

"I did ask you nicely." Shaking my head I stepped back pulling on the rope.

With one hard tug he came tumbling to the ground with a thud. I smirked turning him onto his front before cuffing his hands behind his back.

"I caught him, bring the car round, will you?" I asked pulling the guy up.

Ignoring his rants I walked down the driveway pulling him with me. My partner pulled up just as we reached the end of the driveway. Getting out of the car he walked towards me shaking his head.

"Thought we would have us a good chase today." Richard said shaking his head in disappointment.

I laughed opening the back door. "Watch your head." I pushed his head down as I pushed him into the car.

"Are the others caught?"

"Two of them are dead the other one fled." He answered getting into the passenger side.

I shook my head getting into the car. Pulling away from the curb I steered the car towards town as Richard radioed the other officers. My mind trailed back to this morning. I'm really worried about Alia, not only about the fact that she's pregnant, but about her wellbeing.

In a matter of one day her life has changed completely, it's a lot to take in. And then there's the matter of the school kicking her out. She can always start classes online, it would be better for both her and the baby.


LEANING AGAINST THE WALL I watch the interrogation silently. This is the second lead we got on the missing girls. At times like these I'm thankful that I found Alia's ad. If I hadn't then maybe she would have been missing along with two of the other girls.

The door opened snapping my attention towards it. One of the new deputy's entered his eyes locked on me.

"Sir, your brother is on the line. He says it's urgent."

Frowning, I followed him out of the room and down the hall. Walking into my office I closed the door taking a seat on the chair before picking up the phone.


"You have a phone for a fucking reason! Why the hell don't you answer it?" Nathan yelled making me wince and pull the phone back slightly.

"I was out on a run." I told him taking my notepad out of the drawer from my desk. "What happened?"

He's silent for a while but I could hear his rushed breathing through the phone.

"Alia is in the hospital."

The colour drained from my face, my heart dropping to my stomach.

"W-what happened?"

"I don't know, nobody is telling me anything. She was sleeping and then she got up and she just collapsed."

I got up grabbing my phone tightly. "Where is she now?"

"They are examining her now." He paused sightly. "She's in a very bad shape Stephen."

"Stay there, I'm on my way."

Hanging up I rushed out of my office. Banging open the chief's door my eyes locked with his.

"Alia has been admitted in the hospital." I didn't wait to see his reaction.

Storming out of the station I got into the car. Pulling out of the parking lot, I sped down the road. I switched on the sirens blowing my horn so the cars could move out of my way. Minutes later I pulled to a stop in front of the hospital running up to the entrance.

Nathan met me there, explaining to me that they are still examining her. Ignoring him I walked to the front desk slapping a hand on it. The woman looked up at me with a frown.

"My girlfriend was admitted about half an hour ago. I need to see her."

"Name?" She typed on the computer.

"Alia Dune." I tapped my fingers impatiently as I waited for her.

"She's in room 103, but only family is allowed to see her now."

I ignored her leaving Nathan to deal with her. Racing down the hall my eyes scanned the numbers above the rooms.

The room is at the end of the hall, the door wide open. I entered almost running into a nurse that's rushing out.

"What's wrong with her?" I stepped towards the bed my eyes landing on Alia.

Her eyes locked with mine. They are filled with pain and tears. Her face is as pale as the sheets beneath her, her skin damp with sweat.


"I'm here baby." I said softly moving some hair from her forehead. "Shh, I'm here."

I looked up at the doctor waiting for an answer to my previous question.

"She needs to go for surgery." She said softly her eyes moving to Alia before turning to one of the nurses.

Pressing my lips together I turned my attention back to Alia. One of her hands gripped mine tightly the other hand gripped the sheets.

"Everything's going to be fine, baby." I whispered leaning forward to kiss her forehead.

"Sir, please step aside, the theater is ready for her."

I was pushed aside, my hand breaking away from hers. My eyes stayed locked with hers as they started moving the bed out of the room.

Everything will be okay. It has to be okay!

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now