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My eyes snapped open the moment a hand brushed my arm. I blinked but couldn’t make out the person hovering above me. My mouth fell open but slammed shut again when he spoke.

“We need to leave. Get dressed and meet me outside,” Stephen said softly.

My body sagged against the thin mattress. I allowed the air to leave my lungs when he walked out of the tent. This was the first time in months I slept through the night. I suppose it had something to do with Stephen only a few feet away. I got up and quickly pulled on a t-shirt over my crop-top. My feet slipped into my shoes by the end of the bed. I ran a brush through my hair and pulled it up into a high ponytail.
Stephen stood only a few feet away with his back to me. He turned when I walked up to him.

Without a word he led me through camp to a familiar green truck. The drive to town was a little awkward. Music played softly from the radio. Stephen didn’t spare me a glance as he drove. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. Memories of our time spend in the same truck filtered through my mind. Our laughter and the tears. My body heated when I remembered the time I gave him head while he was driving.

“What do you want for breakfast?” Stephen asked softly.

I turned my head to glance at him. His eyes were focused on me. I shrugged. I wasn’t really hungry. By the time we reached the hiking trail the sun was already up. Stephen parked the car and then handed me a breakfast croissant. We ate in silence for a few minutes.

“How have you been?” Stephen asked softly.

“I have some good days and some bad days.”

“Why did you choose to do this?” he asked, glancing at me.

“Mike made me realize that a lot of people are suffering more than me. I had lived through hell but I got out. There are a lot of them that are still caught in that hell. Only men go in for the rescue. I hated it when you guys touched me. If a woman was there it’ll make them feel more at ease.”

“You hated it when I touched you?” he asked softly.

“My heart knew it was you buy my head-“ I trailed off. “I still don’t like it when people touch me.”

We ate in silence after that. When we were done Stephen gave me a few orders before handing over a backpack. We headed into the forest.

“Do you have your taser?”

“No, but I have my knife.”

We walked for an hour before taking a break. Half a mile in Stephen started leading the way. We broke away from the trail and headed in the direction the mine was. I pulled the t-shirts over my head and stuffed it into the backpack. Sweat coated our skin as the heat rose. I was far behind him but he thankfully kept in my view.

“How far?” I questioned when my legs started to ache.

Stephen didn’t answer. I glanced up at him but didn’t see him anywhere. My heartbeat increased when I started to panic. I rushed forward and almost slipped on some loose rocks. The trees gave way to a small clearing on a cliff. Fear hit me next. It was a long way down. The ground was loose and uneven. A fall like that would definitely kill somebody. I swallowed and took a cautious step forward. My stomach rolled when I saw the sharp rocks below. An arm suddenly wrapped around my waist. I was span around and away from the cliff. The moment the arm disappeared I span around.

“Stephen,” I breathed.

“What were you doing? You could’ve slipped and fell. Jesus Alia-“

“You were gone. I looked up and you weren’t there and I thought,” I sucked in a breath. “I thought you-“

My words were caught off when his lips slammed down on mine. I tensed when he wrapped his arms around me to pull me against him. His tongue traced my bottom lip. My lips parted. I relaxed against him. This wasn’t some stranger. This was the man I fell in love with. This was Stephen. He broke the kiss and slowly pulled away. I swallowed. Stephen took a step back but kept his hands on my hips. My mouth opened but closed again when he shook his head.

“Someone is watching us,” he said softly. “I caught sight of the sun reflecting on something.”

“So you kissed me because you saw someone?”

“Yes,” he smirked, “and I really wanted to kiss you.”

“Come on, I know where the other entrance is.”


My eyes were focused on the book, but my mind was focused on Stephen. He stood only a few feet away in only a pair of black boxer briefs. I bit my lip as I lowered the book. Dropping it onto the floor, I stood and walked towards him.


“What would’ve happened if I hadn’t gotten kidnapped?”
He froze and then slowly turned to face me. “I suppose we would’ve been married and had a few kids.”

“Do you still think about it?”

He sighed. Taking hold of my hand, he led me over to the bed. Stephen took a seat and then hesitated before pulling me onto his lap. He stared at me silently. “Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you Alia. At first I tried to forget but every little thing reminded me of you.”

“You left me,” I whispered.

“I didn’t have a choice.” He looked away from me. “Everyone blamed me for what happened and I blamed myself. It could’ve been prevented. I could’ve prevented it. Michael made it clear that he didn’t want me near you again. He told me to leave and back then I thought it was for the best.”

“He made you leave me?”

“I see why he did it. If I had stayed-“

The flap of the tent was suddenly thrown open. A man entered and held up a phone. “I’m sorry to interrupt. I have a girl called Emma on the line. She said it’s important.”

I leapt for the phone. “Emma? What happened?”

“Alia,” she cried. “Dad and S-Sam was in an a-accident. T-they won’t tell me anything.”

“Call Patrick. I’m going to get there as soon as I can. I promise.”

When I turned Stephen was there behind me. He caught my shoulders to steady me.

“Dad was in an accident with Sam. I need to get home Stephen.”

“Okay,” he nodded. “Get your stuff and meet me at my truck, I’ll make the arrangements.”

“Stephen,” I gripped his arm. “Will you come with me?”

“I can’t,” he said softly. “I have a job to do Alia.”

“Can we still be friends? I don’t want what happened between us to ruin a chance of friendship.”

He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. “We can never be just friends Alia.”

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now