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The class was completely silent. I glanced to the front. Nathan was sitting in his chair with his eyes focused somewhere outside the classroom. He was restless– his leg was bouncing up and down and his hand twitched every few seconds on the desk.

I glanced at Kate but she was too focused on her phone beneath the table. I rolled my eyes before glancing down at my desk again. Mr. Pierce had decided to surprise us with a test. He said it was just to make sure that we've been paying attention. I haven't seen him around Stephen's house that much.

Things have gone more or less back to normal– expect for things at home. I've decided to suck it up and stay at home as not to bother Kate as much. Things between my mother and I were still tensed. At least we were talking to each other again.

“Two minutes left,” Mr. Pierce said.

Two minutes of school. Two minutes until our holiday started. My lips pulled up into a smile as I thought of what I'd be doing this holiday. Just two more weeks and I won't be a virgin anymore. The bell rang, startling me from my day dreams. I quickly scribbled an answer to the last question and then send the paper to the front. Everyone was hurrying to get their stuff packed. I swung my bag over the shoulder and headed to the door.

“Alia? Kate? Can I talk to you for a few minutes?” Nathan said.

I glanced at Kate and then turned to walk over to his desk. He waited until all the students were out of the class before turning to us.

“Stephen said you're planning a trip to the beach.” He glanced between us. “If this gets out I'm holding the two of you responsible, you got it?”

“Yes sir,” we said.

Nathan shook his head and turned his back on us. He mumbled something under his breath and then turned to us again. “I may have a solution to your problem but we're going to have to compromise.”

“No problem,” Kate said eagerly. “Let's hear it.” I frowned at her but kept my mouth shut.

“I have a friend who owns a house on the beach. It's a little far from civilization but there is a private beach. We were planning on going there for a week or two but the plans got cancelled.” Nathan glanced at the door. “Stephen and I will still be going along with our cousin and his girlfriend. We agreed to let you come with us on the condition that you keep it silent. I just started here and I'm not planning on losing my job.”

“Okay wait,” she held up a finger. “You'll let us stay with you at the beach house for the whole vacation.”

“Yes thought we'd only be staying for two weeks.”

“This is amazing!” I agreed. It was amazing! I get to spend my school vacation at the beach with Stephen.

My mood dampened when I thought of my parents.

“Alia,” Nathan called. “Meet me at my house at three and then we'll go over the details.”

I nodded, then greeted him and followed Kate out of the classroom. We walked in silence for a few minutes until she turned towards me. She clasped her hands under her chin and smiled at me.

“I get to spend my vacation watching our sexy teacher in swim trunks!”

“You're such a perv,” I muttered. “Let's just hope our parents agree to this or you can forget about ogling Nathan.”

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now