Chapter Twenty Nine

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MUSIC PLAYED SOFTLY ON the radio as we drove. I stared out the window my thoughts on the events this morning. He let me touch him! I finally had the chance to give him the same pleasure that he gave me.

             "So how long have you and Kate been friends?"

I glanced at him with a frown shifting slightly on the seat.

            "We've been friends ever since the schools joined. Kate and I were in the same class. We started talking and clicked, after that Dane and Delilah joined and we've become a group." I explained softly the thought of my other friends making sadness full me.

I got a message from Dane this morning that he send to me just a little after twelve last night. Nothing from Delilah or my family. Did they forget?

            "Have your family contacted you yet?" Stephen asked softly placing a hand on my bare thigh.

I shook my head tears slightly filling my eyes. Blinking them away I gave him a bright smile. I will not let this dampen my mood. It's my birthday today, they know that and they should call me not me them.

            "Where are we going?"

He chuckled glancing at me before focusing back on the road. "It's a surprise baby."

After a few more minutes of driving he turned off into a MacDonald's drive thru. Stephen ordered a double Mac and fries for himself while I ordered a foldover. After arguing on the drink I took a vanilla milkshake and him a coke.

We talked about random shit as we drove further. No matter what I try, I can't trick him into telling me where we are going. He has that sexy smirk on his lips, his eyes laughing at me as I tried one last time.  

           "I'm not telling you." Stephen said softly eating another fry.

I sighed leaning back in my seat. Finishing my foldover I wipe my mouth and fingers with the tissue. We drove for about an hour more before he turned off onto a bumpy dirt road. In front of us is a make shift parking lot, people are walking and standing around. There has to be close to a thousand, maybe even more, people.

             "What?" I turned to look at him wide eyed.

            "You like music, I figured it will be a great present to bring you here." He smiled at me parking the truck in an empty space.

Jumping down I watched wide eyed as a couple made out against a car. I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my lips. I can hear music coming from somewhere. Stephen locked the truck walking around to my side.

            "Some rules baby." He said softly making me look up at him. "There are a lot of fucking people here, I don't want you to get lost because anything can happen. Rule number one, don't take drinks from anyone but me. Rule two if you want to go to the bathroom tell me and I will take you. Rule number three don't ever, no matter what, go with anyone. If something happens and we get separated you call me, if you can't look for a security guard and they will help you. Got it?"

I nod smiling up at him. "I got it."

           "Good." He pecked my lips reaching into his pocket and pulling something out. "Here."

My eyes dropped to the black switchblade he held in his palm. He showed me how it works then slipped it in the pocket of my dress.

           "In case something happens." His lips brushed against my forehead as his hand slipped in mine. "I hope that isn't your favourite dress."

I frowned not really understanding what he meant. In front of us loomed a large building. There is a row of people going on for what seems like miles. Are we even going to get in?

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