Chapter Thirty Six

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I ENDED UP FALLING asleep again which left me slightly surprised. Sitting up I glanced around, I'm still in the living room on the couch. Stephen nowhere to be seen.

I frowned slightly as I heard music playing, rather loudly. Getting up I cracked my back wincing slightly before walking down the hall towards the kitchen. With wide eyes I stared at the scene in front of me.

Sam sat in her high chair by the kitchen table, laughing like crazy. My eyes moved to the other two, lips twitching. Stephen stood at the stove stirring something in a pan. Emma stood by the cabinet making toast. Both of them are dancing and singing to the song playing. Stephen turned his head to Sam, I guess he pulled a face at her because she squealed kicking her legs.

Leaning with my shoulder against the doorway I crossed my arms. He took a step back from the stove switching it off and walking with the pan to the set table. Scrambled eggs are placed on each plate, there are already bacon and fried onion.

He placed the pan back on the stove walking over to Emma. Taking the toast he walked back to the table setting it in the middle. Stephen spoke softly to Sam, frowning slightly. Turning he froze as our eyes locked.

My smile widened as he blushed scratching the back of his neck. Walking over to the radio, he turned it down slightly.

           "Did we wake you?"

I shook my head stepping into the kitchen. "No, you didn't wake me."

I glanced at Emma catching her eyes for a second before she turned her back on us. Guess she's still bothered about what happened at Tyler's. I walked over to Stephen leaning up to peck his lips before making my way over to Sam.

          "Morning little baby. Are you hungry?" I got a gurgle in reply making me smile. 

We ate silently, Sam the only one making and sound. After eating and feeding my sister I stood taking her from the chair. I left them to clean the kitchen as I gave Sam her bath dressing her in some cute clothes.

Walking out of the bathroom and down the hall. Emma sat in her room on the floor surrounded by her school stuff. Stephen sat in the living room texting on his phone.


His head snapped up eyes falling on me. I rolled my eyes as he let out a silent chuckle. My eyes followed his gaze to my shirt, it's completely soaked.

          "It's too bad your sister's are in the house." He muttered huskily making heat flash through me.

         "Don't do that." I walked over to the baby seat lowering her into it.

        "Do what?"

Stephen pulled me onto his lap so I'm straddling him, before I could react. I glanced at Sam to make sure she's okay before turning my attention back to him.

          "You make me all hot and bothered." I whispered pressing my chest against his.

Stephen smirked his hands dropping to my legs. I leaned forward capturing his lips, my tongue traced his bottom lip asking for entrance. He opened his mouth allowing my tongue to slip inside.

I moaned burying my hands in his hair, my hips grinding against him. He broke the kiss lips trailing down my neck as his hands moved up my sides. Lifting his head his eyes locked with mine before dropping to my chest.

My back arched as his lips closed around my left nipple over my shirt. His other hand cupped the twin. My breath sped up, panties dampening as he bit down slightly soothing the pain with his tongue.


He kissed up my neck again, lips capturing mine. Sam squealed bursting our lust filled bubble. Pulling my lips from his I turned to glance at Sam. She's focused on the teething toy in her hands. Sucking in another deep breath I looked back at him.

His eyes are dilated, chest heaving up and down. His body is slightly tensed. I can't believe we almost had sex on the couch, hell my  sister could have walked in. What if she did?

          "I need to take a shower." I climbed off his lap standing on shaky legs. "Will you watch her for a few minutes?"

          "I don't know the first thing about babies!" A look of panic flashed across his face.

I smiled at him. "I won't be long, if anything happens just scream."


THE HOUSE IS SILENT as I pulled the door closed softly behind me. The baby monitor is in my hand, just in case she wakes up. I check up on Emma finding her fast asleep, switching off the light I walked out of the room closing the door softly behind me.

I met Stephen in the hallway. He's been going around making sure everything is locked. My parents called about an hour ago to tell me that they will see us tomorrow afternoon.

           "Are you going to sleep now?" He asked softly eyes trailing over me.

I nod giving him a small smile, I'm exhausted. A part of me wants him to sweep me off my feet and make love to me, but another part is reminding me of my parents words.

         "Good night, baby." Stephen kissed me slowly pulling back after a few seconds. "Sleep well angel."

Closing my bedroom door slightly, I placed the baby monitor on my bedside table. I took a seat at the edge of the bed picking up my phone. No new messages.

I sigh. Guess my friends have more important things to do than answer my texts.


A DREAM IS A succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. 

They say that you will never be able to dream about someone you've never met.

But in some cases, unexplainable things can happen where the brain creates an image of someone, some place, or something, that you will see one time or another.

All very strange, yet interesting. Something I never though I would ever be experiencing.

The street is dark, the wind cold as it blew through my clothes. I could hear footsteps behind me, but every time I turned my head to look I saw nothing.

I walked faster my hands covering my baby bump in a protective manner. I should never have taken the walk, I should have stayed home.

Suddenly a black van pulled to a stop at the curb. The door opened and a man, dressed in black, jumped out. Just as someone grabbed me from behind. 

I screamed body trashing. They forced me forward, one grabbing my arms the other my legs. Using my fingernails I scratched the one in front of me drawing blood. Another scream left my lips, a second later a cloth is placed over my mouth and nose.

My attempts weakened as the chloroform entered my nostril's. Darkness slowly started to fill my mind, all I can think about is my baby. Please save my baby.


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