Chapter Thrity Three

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NERVOUSNESS STARTED SETTING IN as he leaned back on the bed. He folded his hands behind his head his eyes on me.

           "You don't have too."

I swallowed my eyes dropping to his crotch. "I want to."

And I did, it's just now, I'm not so sure how to do it. I want to pleasure him, not hurt him.

           "It's like eating a lollipop." Stephen said softly his eyes locking with mine. "Just don't use your teeth."

I giggled slipping down his legs slightly. My hands moved to the band of his shorts, I hesitated again. Smiling I moved up again kissing him. His hands gripped my hips as I slipped my tongue into his mouth.

Stroking his before pulling back nibbling his bottom lip. Moving from his lips I kissed down his neck. I bit down slightly soothing the pain with my tongue before sucking the skin into my mouth.

Stephen moaned his hips jerking as his hold on my hips tightened. I kissed lower, he taste salty because of his workout. Like I did that morning in the shower at the beach house, I sucked his nipple into my mouth. Circling the tight bud I bit down slightly.

            "Fuck." He breathed thrusting up.

I moaned as he started grinding against me. Oh, I can't wait to have him inside me, without any barrier between us. His hand wrapped in my hair pulling my lips up to his. Without warning he switched our positions hovering above me.

         "You can suck me off another time. I need to be inside you." Stephen sat up pulling off my shorts and panties.

I sat up allowing him to pull off my shirt. He stood kicking off his shorts before kissing me again. I moaned wrapping my legs around his waist as he entered me. He didn't waste any time, Stephen started thrusting in and out of me.

I followed his movement gripping his hair. His lips trailed down my neck to the top of my breasts. My body arched which gave him the perfect opportunity to unclip my bra. Pulling it off he threw it onto the floor. His lips instantly closed around my nipple.

            "Stephen." I hissed trying to suck in a breath.

This is better than the first time he made love to me. My hands trailed down his back to his ass. He let go of my nipple with a 'pop' staring down at me as his movements slowed. Hooking an arm around my waist he turned pulling me on top of him.

            "Sit up."

I frowned but did as he said sitting up slowly. Placing my hands on his chest I bit my lip.

          "Lift yourself up." Stephen gripped my hips again planting his feet on the bed. 

With heated cheeks I started lifting myself up and down his dick. Every time I would push down he would thrust up into me. We set a steady rhythm making our breath speed up. Our skin slapped against each other, moans filling the room.


My pussy muscles clenched around him. One of his hands left my hip, I watched as he licked his thumb. Reaching between us he flicked my clit.

             "Ah." I cried out my body jerking as I came.

Stephen cried out a second later his body shuddering beneath mine. He shot his load into me making another mini orgasm flash through me. Slumping forward I buried my face in the crook of his neck sucking in air.

One of his hands moved through my hair the other up and down my spine.

             "You okay?" He asked softly kissing my forehead.

            "Yeah." I croaked out leaning up slightly to look down at him.  "You said you have different positions in mind."

Throwing his head back he laughed making me smile. As his laughter died down his eyes turned more serious.

           "I don't want to hurt you."

I frowned down at him. "You won't hurt me."

He opened his mouth the speak but seemingly decided against it. Shaking his head he sat up surprising me. My eyes widened when I felt him growing hard again.

            "You're going to be sore tomorrow." Stephen muttered giving me a smirk. "That's good, then you'll remember that this pussy belongs to me."


I GROANED TURNING ONTO my side trying to go back to sleep. The ringing still continued making me realize that it wasn't in my dream.

          "Your phone is ringing."

          "Pick it up." I mumbled without opening my eyes.

I was just about to drift deeper into sleep when the bed dipped and lips pressed against mine. Opening my eyes I blinked up at Stephen with a frown.

             "It's your mom." He held out the phone showing me the name on the screen.

I pulled a face before taking the phone from him and pressing it to my ear.


            "Where are you?" My mom got straight to the point.

            "At Stephen's house, why?" I turned onto my back pushing the hair out of my face.

           "We've been expecting you home two hours ago." She said her voice rising slightly making me angry.

          "I was home!" I sat up glaring at the wall. "You weren't there, how was I suppose to get into the house? You didn't even let me know that you weren't going to be home, or left me a key to get in!"

            "We would have made arrangements had we known when you will be arriving." My mom yelled back making me wince. "I want you home in ten minutes or all hell will be loose."

She hung up. I huffed throwing the phone onto the bed beside me before falling back against the mattress. They can't yell at me when it's not my fault, I fucking called them this morning when we left.


Opening my eyes I turned my head towards his voice. Stephen sat at his desk watching me in question.

           "My mom wants me home in ten minutes." I muttered running a hand down my face.

           "Go take a shower then I will drop you home."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now