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DAD WAS RELEASED FROM the hospital four weeks later. I stayed at home looking after Emma and Sam. Stephen had to return to London for some reason or another. Everything was pretty much back to normal, except the fact that I found sleeping harder. I usually take sleeping pills, but I don't want to get addicted to it.

Parking the car, I got my bag before getting out and locking it. I gave the nurse at the front a friendly smile before making my way to the doctor's office. She ordered me to take a seat on the bed. A few minutes later she entered the room pulling on her white rubber gloves.

After the regular check up I took a seat in front of her desk watching as she wrote something down.

"Everything looks good." She gave me a small smile looking down at the papers. "The test came back negative, I take that makes you very happy."

"You have no idea." I rubbed my hands nervously on my thighs. "I have a question."

The doctor nodded giving me to go ahead. Sucking in a deep breath, I looked back again.

"If I do get pregnant." I paused glancing down at the desk. "Will there be complications?"

"Not anything life threatening." She gave me a small smile closing the brown file. "You're healthy, the test came back negative, nothing to worry about."

"Thank you." I stood picking up my bag giving her another smile.


I turned at the door with my hand on the handle waiting for her to speak. She stood from behind the desk walking towards me.

"There is one problem." Stopping in front of me her eyes trailed over me. "If you want to have a successful, problem free pregnancy. You need to put on some weight."

Muttering another thanks I walked out of the hospital towards the car. I sat silently in the car for a few minutes just staring off into space. Placing a shaky hand on my stomach I closed my eyes.

One of the girl's that was kidnapped was pregnant, she gave birth in the container. It was hard, we had nothing to take care of her. Nothing to help with the birth. She was only sixteen. Both mother and baby died. The girl bled to death, the baby was born dead.

He was so fucking furious. I remember the rage I saw in his eyes. He beat me so bad, I couldn't move for weeks. Pushing the memories away I began the drive home. As I pulled up in the driveway my eyes fell on my dad sitting on the porch.

"I bet you're enjoying this a lot."

He chuckled patting the chair next to him. Dropping my bag in the doorway I walked over to him sitting down. We sat in a comfortable silence for minutes before I spoke up.

"It never really bothered me." I swallowed gripping his hand. "When I got out of the hospital everything was a mess, I never ask and now, now I want some answers."

"What do you want to know?" He asked softly shifting in his seat.

"What happened to the baby?" It's the first question that pops into my head.

When I first started living in London I couldn't stop thinking about him. Where he is, if he's safe? I've spend months taking care of him and I learned to love him. Like my own.

"He was put in foster care." My dad said softly. "A few months after that, he got adopted by a couple that can't have children."

I smiled leaning back in the chair. My eyes trailed around taking everything in. It feels strange to be home again, after so many years.

"And the girls?"

This time he stayed silent for a while longer. His grip on my hand slightly loosened as he sucked in a breath.

"Some of them have been missing for years. The new girls had been kidnapped because-" He stopped standing with a groan. "They were kidnapped because of their virginity."

My breath caught in my throat, tears filling my eyes. I gripped the chair in a death grip trying to keep myself from fainting. Virginity, because they were virgins. Innocent, pure and so, so young.

"They advertised on some websites, met the person somewhere private and was kidnapped."

Mumbling something I staggered inside the house. My palms against the walls as I rushed into the bathroom. Gripping the faucet tightly, I stared at myself in the mirror through blurry eyes. It could have been me.

It was me. But I wasn't kidnapped because of my virginity, it was because of Stephen.

I swallowed, squeezing my eyes shut tightly. My legs are shaky, my head spinning as everything flashed through my mind. They wanted to sell their virginity online and they got kidnapped. If I had gone through with it, if Stephen hadn't saw it and taken it down. If I hadn't met him, then I could have been dead by now.

A soft knock on the door made my body jerk in fright.

"Alia? Are you okay?"

With one last glance at myself in the mirror, I walked towards the door. Wrapping a sweaty hand around the door handle, I pulled the door open. My dad stood there with a frown, his eyes trailing over my face.

"I-I need to tell you something."

His frown deepened, but he gave me a small nod turning around. I followed him into the living room waiting for him to take a seat.

"Remember, when I met Stephen?"

He nods leaning back, eyes completely focused on me. I sucked in another shaky breath before sinking down into the nearest chair. How is he going to react? I've never told anyone about this, apart from Kate.

What if Kate had already told him about it?

"What is it you want to talk about, sweetheart?"

"I didn't meet Stephen the way I told you I did." I looked up at him, forcing my eyes to stay on him. "I wanted to sell my virginity online and Stephen saw the ad."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now