Chapter Eight

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I can't believe it! I just started this book a few weeks ago and already it has over 10K reads!

I'm dancing so happy am I. Thank you all for your support. I'm sorry if I don't answer all your comments, wattpad is being stupid... Probably because I have to update the app..

Anyway sit back and enjoy!


NOTHING EVER GOES ACCORDING to plan. I should have kept that in mind while planning this whole thing.

           "Stephen!" I called stumbling after him as he stormed out of the café.

I caught up with him just as he's about to climb into the car. Gripping his arm I opened my mouth to speak, instead I stumbled back when he spun around.

His face is red with anger, his green eyes blazing down at me. His lips are pressed together and his chest is heaving up and down.

           "The first time I met you, I thought you were different. Different than all the tramps throwing themselves at me and yet here you are." Stephen growled out turning to climb into the car.

           "It's not what you think!" I loved forward grabbing his arm. "Please, you need to help me."

My voice cracked eyes filling with tears as I thought of Kate, of Derrick. A small blooded body laying on the ground while Kate cries over him. Then she looks at me.

          "It's all your fault! You said you'd help me!"

My knees buckled beneath me, my breath increasing as panic flashed through me. It feels like someone is standing on my chest, cutting off my oxygen. The world is titling, panicked cries reaching my ears.

Yet all I could think about is Kate. What she'll say when I fail to get her the money. I told her I'd help!

        I'm sorry.

Darkness clouded my mind as my body started to shut down. No matter how badly I tried, air wouldn't full my lungs.


THE FIRST THING I became aware of is soft voices. A heavy, warm weight on my hand and the steady peeping of a machine.

My body ached so bad. My head pounding with the rhythm of my heart.


I frowned, that deep voice sounds so familiar. Opening my eyes I blinked a few times to get use to the light. The weight on my hand moved drawing my attention to the left.

Stephen stared down at me in concern, his green eyes trailing over my face before locking with mine.

Why is he here? His words repeated in my head. He thinks I'm a slut! I pulled my hand from his turning my head away. The oxygen mask moved slightly making me frown. I'm in the hospital?

           "Keep that on till the doctor say it's okay to take it off." Stephen stopped me before I could take it off. "You had a panic attack, I didn't know what to do so I-"

His words got cut off as the door opened and a plump nurse entered the room. Her hair is tied tightly behind her head in a bun. It made me winch, that looks awfully painful.

           "Everything looks good." She smiled down at me as she removed the oxygen mask. "The doctor is just talking to your parents. After that you're free to go."

My parents? I groaned running a shaky hand down my face. They'll never let me leave the house now, keep me locked under their gazes.


Opening my eyes I turned my head to look at Stephen.

         "I didn't mean what I said, I was just so mad at you for saying that. You need the money right? Just tell me what you need it for and I'll help."

         "R-really?" I croaked out staring at him hopefully.

Stephen nodded giving me a small, but reassuring smile. I hesitated slightly before telling him the truth.

         "Do you know where they are going to meet?" He asked after I finished telling him.

I shook my head sitting up to lean back against the pillows. The room is silent at I watched him from beneath my lashes. Stephen stared silently at one of the white walls.

           "He only wants the money?" He asked softly after a few minutes of silence.

          "Yes, Kate said once she gives him the money she'll tell him it's over." The look in his eyes made fear rush through me. "He's not going to leave them alone, is he?"

          "People like them... I promise you I will try my best to keep them safe." Reaching up he stroked my cheek softly with his knuckles. "You were willing to give me your virginity to safe your friend?"

My cheeks heated as he chuckled softly. Yes, I would do that to safe Kate, but now that he said he would help without asking for anything in return, I feel.. Disappointed.

         "You're a good and a rare friend Alia." My eyes snapped up to him in surprise.

He had this strange look on his face, his eyes flashing with an emotion I can't place. My eyes fluttered close as he cubed my cheek. His rough skin against mine made my body heat, it feels nice.


          "Mm?" His fingers traced my jaw moving lower until his thumb touched the corner of my lips.

Opening my eyes I stared at him as he leaned up his eyes locking with mine for a few seconds before dropping. I sucked in a shaky breath as he finally traced my lip.

It feels strange, it made my stomach tighten in such a weird sensation.

          "I'm going to kiss you." Stephen whispered his head dipping down to mine.

         "Stephen, I've never-" My eyes locked with his again.

         "I know." He gave me a small smile his eyes dropping again. "I'll teach you." 

His nose brushed mine, our breath mixing as his hand dropped to the side of my neck.

My eyes fluttered close as I placed my hand on his shoulder. Seconds ticked by as I waited in anticipation for his lips to touch mine. 

His lips never got the chance though. They barely brushed mine when the door burst open.

My eyes snapped open as Stephen pulled away from me.

            "Alia!" My mom cried her hands moving over me as she continued to ask questions.

I assured her that I'm fine my eyes moving to Stephen standing beside the bed silently.

           "Oh." My mother finally seemed to realize we weren't alone in the room.

         "You fucking bastard!" My father yelled as he stormed into the room.

Before anyone of us could say or do anything he grabbed Stephen by the neck slamming him against the wall.

           "She's my fucking daughter you bastard!"

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now