Chapter Five

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WHEN I PULLED UP at the café twenty minutes later I could feel my stomach drop. I wasn't so scared because the man asked to meet in a public place, but now I'm not so sure.

The place is public alright, yet it's almost empty. Picking up my bag from the floor of the car I made sure the pepper spray will be easy to find, before getting out.

A bell above the door dinged as I entered. It looks really cozy, the walls are each painted a different colour that complimented each other. There are oak tables with chairs for at least five people, there are also red booths.

A counter is in the middle with bar stools around it. Behind it is the kitchen. To the left is two doors with signs that said Staff only.

                "Welcome! Table for-?" A tall red head walked up to me.

I'm taken aback by her bright blue eyes and blood red curls. She stood about a foot taller than me, she's slim with curves that made me jealous.

Planting on a wide fake smile I gripped my bag tighter. "I'm here to meet... Stephen."

Her eyes widened, smile slightly fading. Straightening she told me to follow her before turning and walking away.

We walked to the left of the café where most of the booths are. She led me way to the back, to the very last booth that's cut off from the rest of the place by a glass wall with beautiful colourful designs. 

             "Would you like anything to drink?" Her voice had dropped making me shiver slightly.

Instead of being friendly like she was when I entered, her voice is cold, so is her eyes.

            "Water please."

I watched as she walked away before sliding into the booth facing the front of the café. Music is playing softly through hidden speakers. A family sat by the front window, an elderly couple by the left. Some gruff looking guy sat by the counter drinking coffee.

There is a total of three waitresses, the red head, a brunette and an elderly woman.

           "Thank you." I gave her a small smile as the glass is placed on the table.

I don't receive any smile in return which made me frown, aren't they suppose to be cheerful?

Rolling my eyes I pulled my phone from my jeans pocket texting Kate. She replied a few seconds later saying good luck. Smiling I pushed my phone back into my jeans pocket.

The bell dinged again snapping my attention to the entrance. My breathing hitch as the man entered.

He's tall, about 6'1" dressed in dark washed jeans that clung to his muscular tights. A tight white short sleeved shirt covered his muscled chest. His arms are covered in sleeve tattoo's, I can even see some peaking out from the shirt on his neck as well. 

His hair is a light brown, messy and still slightly wet. From what I could see of his face he has a square jaw and straight nose. The red head walked up to him with a bright smile. He smiled as well showing off pearly whites, then he leaned down kissing her. 

My eyes widened face heating, I quickly looked away staring down at the table. When is this guy going to get here? My nerves are starting to get out of control.

         "I knew the picture was fake."

With a gasp my eyes shot up breath catching in my throat. I shuffled to my feet gripping the booth. My knees are shaky and it took a great effort for me to keep them locked.

It's the man that entered the café just seconds ago. The man that kissed the red head. The man with at least a hundred or so tattoo's covering his tanned skin. He's a lot taller than me, his large frame hiding my small one from few.

Holy shit.

My eyes snapped up to his face and his seemed to do the same. His lips pulled up in a smirk snapping my attention to them. They are pink, his bottom lip slightly fuller than the top, but damn I want to taste those lips!

            "Alia Dune."

A shiver raced down my spine as he spoke. His voice is deep, slightly husky, very seductive.

           "Y-yes." I dropped my eyes my body shaking slightly in fear.

           "I'm surprised you came." He said softly making my head snap up.

         "I didn't have a choice." I tried to make my voice as icy as possible but it didn't work.

My voice came out shaky and filled with fear. His smile dropped and he sighed running a hand through his hair.

          "Sit down Alia."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I sunk down into the seat again sucking in a shaky breath. Stephen slid into the booth opposite me.

Stephen placed his hands on the table making my eyes drop to them. They are well groomed, the fingernails short and clean, yet his hands are rough. How will they feel against my skin?

Stop! What the hell are you thinking? He's a stranger! A stranger that knows I'm a virgin and wants to sell it.

The red head appeared by our table breaking me from my thoughts.

            "Would you like anything?" She's talking to Stephen not even sparing me a glance. 


           "Would you like something?"

My eyes snap to him, surprise filling me when I found his eyes one me. He raised an eyebrow in question making me realize that he asked me that.

           "N-no thank you."

Rolling his eyes he looked back up at the red head. "Give us two bubblegum milkshakes with two double cheese burgers and chips."

            "It will be out in a few minutes."

She walked from the table swaying her hips to draw his attention, yet he wasn't looking at her. His eyes are focused on me.

Instead of looking away my eyes locked with his.

The air around us changed.

His light green eyes widened slightly and I could see his body tensing.


The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now