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Three weeks later…

“The doctor is happy with your progress.”

“When can I go home?”

She paused, and then slowly straightened. Her dark brown eyes watched me with concern.

“You keep saying that he’s happy with my progress, but you never tell me when I will be discharged.”

She reached out but hesitated. I waited for her to touch me. Instead she lowered her hands and took a step back.  “You have been through a lot. That was before you were shot. Your body has suffered a lot of abuse and it needs to heal,” she paused. “Your mind also needs to recover. Once the doctor is certain that you’d be okay, he will discharge you.”

She left before I could question her anymore. I fought the urge to throw something at the door. I had woken three days ago from a medical induced coma with Patrick at my side. He was the only one I’ve seen. No other family has come to visit me. Not even Stephen. Being under had made me remember. I remembered my life before I was kidnapped.

The things that had happened to me during that time would never be forgotten. I would never be able to forget the face of that man. After a few hours of being awake the doctor had came in to speak to me. He had explained that he had placed me in a coma to heal. According to him my body and my mind was in a bad place. I was shot twice the night they came to rescue me. With internal bleeding and low blood pressure I was rushed to the hospital.

They manage to stabilize me. I’ve been kept in the room with no TV or radio. Nobody was allowed to give me any newspapers to read. The nurse that looked after me also refused to answer any questions that involved my family. Whenever I asked Patrick about them he told me that they were fine. I was getting sick of it. I wanted to see my mom and sisters. Hell I even wanted to see Michael.

What the hell were they hiding from me?


I glared at Patrick. He sat across from me on the edge of the bed. Patrick smirked at me as he lowered his cards.

“Don’t be a sore loser sweetheart,” he said.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I dropped my cards onto the bed. He laughed as he collected it. We’ve been playing different card games for the past hour. The nurse had come in before disappearing again. I was given some pain medicine and something else that made me feel slightly woozy. I glanced up when I heard the knock on the door. Seconds later it opened. If I could get of the bed I would’ve ran to him. It felt great seeing another familiar face.

“Can you give us some privacy?”

“Everything you have to say to her or she has to say to you is my business,” Patrick said softly.

They stared at each other silently for a few minutes. Michael finally nodded. He softly closed the door behind him before walking further into the room.

“I spoke to the doctor. He said that you’re doing good.”

“They keep saying that but no one tells me what’s going on. They won’t even get me a TV or radio.”

“They have their orders,” he muttered.

Michael took a seat on the chair next to the bed. He held a thick brown file in one hand. “How are you doing?”

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now