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My frown deepened as I was pulled further and further away from sleep. I couldn’t even remember falling asleep. The last thing I remembered was watching Stephen as he worked at the desk. I sucked in a breath then shifted slightly.

My eyes snapped open when the arm around my waist tightened, but it wasn't what made me freeze.

I could feel his erection pressing against my butt. I bit my lip and then moved my ass again. Stephen moaned against the back of my neck which made my stomach tighten. He sounded so fucking sexy. I waited a few more seconds before slowly turning around.

My eyes locked onto his face. He looked so different when he was sleeping– he looked relaxed. I moved the strands of hair away from his forehead then allowed my eyes to move lower. He was only dressed in a pair of silk boxers.

I could see the perfection of his body clearly since the sheets were pooled at the end of the bed. The bulge in his boxers was clearly visible. Placing my hand on his chest, I slowly trailed it down to his six-pack. His body tensed making me freeze.

“What are you doing baby?” he questioned huskily.

My cheeks heated when he opened one eye. He stared at me for a few seconds before closing his eye again and turning onto his back.

My hand was still on him but it slipped lower when he moved. I paused, staring wide eyed at my hand on the band of his boxers. Just a few inches lower and I would be touching his dick.

Stephen placed his hand on mine making my heart sink. For a second I thought he would push me away again, but he didn't. He slowly slipped my hand lower until it rested on his hard-on. My eyes snapped up to his– he was watching me silently with lust filled eyes.

“You don't have to if you don't want to,” he whispered.

“I want to.” No way in hell was I going to give up this opportunity to touch him.

I licked my lips. I wasn't sure how to proceed. He shifted on the bed before placing his hand on mine again. Slowly he spread my fingers so I was clutching his penis, then he moved my hand down and then up again.

Stephen pulled his hand away and placed it on the bed. I continued to stroke him through his boxers. His breathing has sped up but he made no move to pull away.

I've seen a penis before; in my biology book. Those pictures didn't really prepare us for the real thing. My movements grew a little more confident. I wanted to see him so I tugged on the band of his boxers. Stephen raised his hips slightly as I pulled the piece of clothing down his legs. My mouth went dry.

“Oh,” I whispered as I stared at his dick.

He was huge– well he was to me since this was the first erect penis I've ever seen. The tip was glistering with pre-cum and the veins were clearly visible, but what caught my attention was the piercing.

Yes he had a silver piercing on the underside of his penis head.

“It's called a Prince Albert piercing,” Stephen muttered.

I glanced up at him then looked back down. Licking my lips, I moved closer so I had a better view at the piercing. Without thinking I reached out to grip his dick.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now