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The first day of school always sucked. Especially the assembly that happened before school actually started. We had to sit on the bleachers in the sun for hours while they gave us speeches. The principal would introduce the new students and sometimes teachers– which was a rare thing for this town. As the priest continued to talk, my mind started to trail off.

It was weird thinking of Kate having sex with a stranger, but I couldn't stop my mind from going down that road. What was so pleasurable about sex? Why did people like it so much? Of course I've searched it on the internet– once or twice– but I could never get so far as to watch porn. It made me feel strange even thinking about it. Taking things into my own hands wasn't really an option since I was never home alone.

I've never masturbated. Not once. Last night I placed an ad on a website I found. I would rather have sex with someone from out of town than someone I knew. If word got out… I didn't even want to think about what could happen. The money I would get from selling my virginity could always be used for something later on. Plus, I don't think I would make that much.

“I'd like you all to meet the newest member of our team, Nathan Pierce,” the principal announced.

I blinked, snapping back to reality. My eyes were instantly drawn to a man that was walking from the buildings. He wore black slacks with a white button down and a light blue tie. The man managed to look professional without looking snobby. His dark brown hair was combed back neatly from his face.

Pain flashed through me when I got jammed with an elbow in my side. I turned my head to glare at Kate, but she was too focused on the man walking across the field. I glanced at Dane getting an eye roll from him. I giggled before turning back to the front.

The man now stood next to the principal facing us. His hands were buried in his pants pocket. From what I could see, his skin had a nice golden tan.

“Mr. Pierce will be teaching the seniors this year. I would like you all to give him a big welcome to our school and to our town.”

I clapped along with the other four hundred and something students sitting on the bleachers.

A few more words were uttered before we sang the school anthem. After that we were divided into our grades and send to separate places.

“I wonder if he's married.” Delilah muttered. “Alia!”

I blinked, turning to glace at them. “What?”

“Who do you think will get him in bed first?” Kate asked, pointing a finger between herself and Delilah.

“I'm not even going to answer that,” I said.

Both of them were gorgeous and they knew that, but making bets like that was something I wanted no part off. Sometimes I wondered how we all became friends. They were the total opposites of me but we got along well.

Kate and I were closer than Delilah and me. I got along well with Dane as well but they're some things I couldn't tell him.

The gymnasium was stuffing when we entered it. One of the teachers ordered some boys to get the windows open before we would get started. I glanced around taking in the old stuff. This place was once used as a dance studio and for gymnastics but not anymore. The mirrors in front were broken and so were the wooden floors in some places.

After an hour we were all divided in our classes for the next year. We were divided according to the subject's we chose in grade nine. I had to switch because of the higher maths. It was one of the subjects I really sucked at so I had to take math’s literacy. Along with that, I took CAT, Tourism and Biology. All hard learning subject’s but fun nonetheless. What really sucked was the PAT in both Tourism and Cat.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now