Chapter Forty Two

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THERE IS A LOUD knock on the front door making me jump slightly in fright. The house is dead silent, I was just about to drift off when someone knocked on the door.

Licking my dry lips I got up walking around the couch and down the hall to the front door. Swinging it open my lips pulled up into a smile as I saw the girl from the bathroom standing there. I really need to asked her for her name.

          "Hi." She pushed past me into the house.

I blinked before closing the door, following her into the living room. She glanced around with wide eyes before turning to face me.

        "Beautiful house." 

        "Thanks." I smiled feeling slightly awkward as neither of us said anything.

She cleared her throat after a few seconds holding out an envelope. "This is from the school, they asked someone to give it to you but none of your friends spoke up so I took it."

         "Thanks." I took it from her. "I'm not sure if I have any friends now."

         "Yeah, they've been bad mouthing you pretty badly, well not Dane, he's the only one that's been defending you."  She gave me a small smile glancing around again. "I just wanted to drop that off."

I followed her back to the front door opening the door for her. "Thank you uuu.."

         "Emily." She held out her hand. "My names Emily Smith."

         "Thank you Emily." I watched as she walked down the path getting into a waiting grey car.

With one last wave they drove off making me sigh. I glanced down at the white envelope closing the door softly. At least I seem to have made a new friend, that's good right? Opening the envelope I took out the letter, unfolding it before reading. My shoulders sagged tears filling my eyes as I scanned the words.


I looked up at Tyler as she waddled into the living room one hand on her stomach and the other on her back. She sat down heavily next to me frowning down at the letter.

          "I've been kicked out of school." I whispered wiping the tears from my cheeks angrily.

         "They can't do that!" Tyler yelled grabbing the letter scanning through it.

        "I've been kicked out of school." I gave a humourless laugh standing from the couch pacing back and forth.

Running a hand through my hair I turned to face my sister. "I haven't been to school in three weeks. I don't have any letters from the doctor saying that I was sick. This is just fucking shit Tyler, what am I going to do?"

         "We'll figure it out little sis."


PATRICK SAT SILENTLY ON the couch looking down at the paper with a frown. Tyler is busy in the kitchen making dinner.

         "Can they do that?" I asked softly pulling my legs up to my chest.

        "Yes, you haven't been at school, and you have no actual reason as to why not." He sigh throwing the paper back onto the coffee table. "You shouldn't worry about this shit."

          "Easy for you to say! You're not eighteen and pregnant-"

          "Alia." He sat forward catching my eyes with his. "Stress is not good for the baby, look, I'll call the school and we can go in for a meeting."

          "Okay." My eyes dropped to my phone next to me that lit up. "It's Stephen."

He smiled getting up and walking into the kitchen. Leaning forward I picked up my phone pressing the green button.

          "Hey baby." His voice send a shiver down my spine.

         "Hey." I smiled happiness filling me.

I've been waiting all day to see him, but he's hasn't stopped by at all. He said he would call if he couldn't stop by. I know he has been busy at work with a new lead on some case he's working on. Stephen refused to tell me about it claiming that I shouldn't worry my little head.

We talked for half an hour before he hung up saying he had to go. Stephen promised that he will stop by tomorrow whenever he'll get a chance to. My shoulders slumped at the moment the call ended.


I picked up a pillow throwing it at him, he laughed dodging the pillow. Shaking my head I stood up walking into the kitchen, to see if Tyler needs any help. I helped her finish dinner and just as we are about to sit down at the table, the doorbell rang. 

Patrick rolled his eyes, pushing his chair back he stood muttering curses under his breath. I giggled my eyes looking with Tyler's.

        "He likes his food."

Our laughter died down as they entered the kitchen. I stood slowly feeling the colour drain from my face.


My mom stood half behind him with Sam, Emma next to her. His body tensed eyes turning cold as they fell on me.

         "We're leaving." He turned ushering my mom and sister out of the house.

The front door slammed shut behind them. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pushed my chair back. My smile was forced, my legs shaky and tears filling my eyes.

          "I'm s-sorry."

I raced out of the room and up the stairs closing the bedroom door behind me. Why does he hate me so much? Is it because I've embarrassed him?


THE HOUSE IS SILENT as I walked down the stairs. I sigh running a hand through my hair before taking the last step down. Tyler thought it would be best if I stay somewhere else. She said that she doesn't want anymore rifts between her and my dad. It kind of hurt but I understand what she meant, she needs them more than me.

So I've moved in with Stephen, which seemed the only logical thing to do. He is my boyfriend, my baby daddy and as I've recently found out, the man that I'm deeply in love with.

           "Morning baby."

I jumped turning around just as Stephen entered the house. He's breathing fast, chest glistering in sweat, his hair damp and sticking to his forehead. My eyes dropped. The pair of shorts hung low on his hips giving me a perfect view of the deep v and his Calvin Klein underwear.

I licked my lips taking a step towards him. "Stephen?"

       "Mm?" His eyes trailed down my body stopping at my chest before trailing up again. 

      "I want you to fuck me."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now