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“Does your father always act like that?”

I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes. “Only with me.”


I shrugged. It was something I wanted to know as well. Why only me?

School was a rush. We got forms we needed to fill in and stuff that needed to be signed. I had a pile of homework that needed to be done. It was my plan to spend the afternoon doing that, but I was surprised to find Stephen there when I got home. A forest green Ford truck was parked at the curb in front of the house. At first I thought it was one of my mom's friends. Then I entered the house only to find him sitting in the living room. Apparently my mom was serious when she said I had to show him around town.

“Where are we going?” I asked after another few minutes of silence passed.

“To my house,” he muttered.
My eyes snapped to him. “I thought I was suppose to show you around town.”

“I already know my way around town,” he glanced at me, “you're mother just assumed I didn't. Besides, this is the perfect opportunity to finish our talk.”

Before I could say anything else the truck slowed. I glanced up at the house. It was simple. A two story with a small front porch and high walls surrounded it. Stephen parked the truck in the driveway before killing the engine. That strange feeling was filling me again. I was shaking. The door opened making me jump.

My eyes locked with his before dropping to the hand he held out. I placed mine in his allowing him to help me out. Instead of dropping my hand like I thought he would, he gave it a squeeze. Stephen silently led me to the front door. He unlocked it then stepped aside for me to enter first.

The bottom floor was an open-plan. A spacious living room was to the left with the stairs that led to the second floor to the right. In front of me was a kitchen with an island and a bar separating the kitchen from the dining room. Sliding doors led out onto a wooden patio. Beyond it was the back yard which held a pool and a barbecue area to one side. It was clear that this place belonged to a bachelor. The couches were black leather and the TV a flat screen with a surround sound. My eyes moved to the stairs. There was a balcony overlooking the bottom floor.

“Are you hungry?” Stephen asked as he walked past me.

“No.” I stood rooted to place for a few more minutes before following him into the kitchen.

He was bent over searching through the fridge. My eyes dropped to his butt. He had a nice butt– tight and firm. Heat flooded my cheeks. Stephen straightened then turned to face with a blue Tupperware bowl in his hand.

“This is some of last night's dinner. Or I could make you a sandwich?” He gestured to the bread on the counter. I shook my head.

“You don't have to-”

“Look I know you don't know me and I get that you're scared, but I'm not going to hurt you Alia.”

“I'm not scared.” His eyes snapped to mine. “I'm nervous. I know you won't hurt me.”

The bowl was placed down.

He turned to face me fully. “And how do you know that?”

“I feel safe and not threatened.”

Stephen silently stared at me.
He was frowning down at me with this odd emotion in his eyes. Shaking his head, he muttered something under his breath before turning around. I watched silently as he heated the food and then grabbed two plates. He walked to the table to place it down before walking back to grab some forks. I hesitated but then walked over to the table to take a seat. Stephen appeared at my side but this time with a tall glass of ice water.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now