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I pressed myself tighter against the door as the rain started falling. Coming here was a mistake. I knew he wouldn't be home but I wanted to see him. I needed to see him. What would he do if he knew about those photos? Would he blame me?

The sound of a car pulling up made my body tense. For a moment my hope flared but it instantly fell as I remembered that he didn't live alone. It could be Nathan coming home. What excuse could I possibly give him?

I heard the car door slamming shut over the rain. Seconds later curses and footsteps approached.


My head snapped up. Fresh tears welled up in my eyes as I stared up at him. Stephen stood a few feet away with a bag in one hand and something else clutched in his other. He said my name again before dropping the bag and reaching out to me. He gripped my arms and pulled me to my feet.

"Alia, what happened baby?"

I shook my head. My hands clutched his shirt tightly as fresh tears started to fall down my cheeks. Stephen wiped them away gently. He muttered something under his breath. Seconds later he led me inside the house and towards the couch. I winced as I sat down.

My eyes followed him as he walked back outside only to return with his bag. He dropped it next to the front then slammed the door shut. The moment he sat down next to me, I pressed myself against his side. His familiar smell filled my nose and that just made me cry harder.

Stephen hesitated then pulled me onto his lap. His lips brushed my forehead.

"Shh," he whispered. "Let it out baby. I've got you."

When my tears dried, he pulled back slightly. Stephen placed a finger beneath my chin to force my eyes to his.

"What happened Alia?" I shook my head.

More tears threatened to fall. I managed to stop them but not the shivers that racked my body.

"Tell me what happened," he said again. One of his hands started rubbing my back.

"Y-you didn't c-call m-me," I stuttered.

"I just got back. I was planning on calling you after taking a shower," he pulled away slightly to look at my ace. "What happened baby?"

"S-someone took p-photos of us," I whispered. "I didn't-" I turned to stare up at him. "It wasn't me S-Stephen. I didn't-"

"Shh," he whispered, moving the hair from my face, "I know it wasn't you baby. I saw them, it couldn't have been you."

A tear dropped down my cheek. He used his thumb to wipe it away. Without saying a word he gently placed me back on the couch. I watched as he made his way into the kitchen. Stephen grabbed a glass, and poured something into it. He walked back over to me. Crouching in front of me, he held the glass out.

"Drink this baby," he said softly.

I took the glass from him but hesitated as I smelled the strong smell of alcohol. He gave me an encouraging smile. What did I have to lose? I pressed the glass to my lips them drowned the golden liquid. It burned all the way down my throat into my empty stomach.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now