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Alia answer your phone.

Why aren’t you answering me?

Fuck Alia. Answer me! Fuck this.

If you don’t answer me in five minutes I’m coming over there.

I stared at the last message in dismay. I didn’t want him to come over. Why was he suddenly so concerned all of the sudden? I locked my phone, and turned onto my side. My eyes fell on the teddy bear I had thrown into the corner of my room. Pain shot through me. For two weeks he hasn’t spoken a word to me. I’ve managed to avoid him and everything to do with him.

School had started again and everything was pretty much back to normal. Just like it was before Stephen appeared.

I wished the memories I had with him could fade. It hurt to think about it, about him. I’ve fallen head over heels in love with him, a mistake on my part. It was my own fault. He said he didn’t want any feelings involved, but haven’t that changed the moment he asked me to be his girlfriend. Why did he ask me to be his girlfriend if he knew it wouldn’t last? My body jerked in fright when my phone started vibrating next to me. I glanced at the screen. The urge to ignore the call was strong, but I knew that he wouldn’t understand if I didn’t talk to him. I turned onto my back. Sucking in a deep breath, I answered.

“Why the hell are you ignoring me? Fuck Alia, do you have any idea how worried I was? After what happened-“

“Why are you worried now?” I questioned him. “You’ve been ignoring me for most part.”


“I’m done,” I whispered. “I can’t do this anymore.” My voice cracked.

“What do you mean?” There was an edge to his voice when he finally spoke. “Done with what? Are you mad at me for not answering your calls? I’m sorry baby. You know I’ve been busy with the case-“

“It’s not about the case or you ignoring my calls. It’s about something else. I don’t w-want to talk about. P-please just let it go Stephen. It’s over b-between us.”

I ended the call before he could say anything else. Dropping my phone back onto the bed, I curled into myself and allowed the tears to wet my pillow.


“Exams start next week. I want you all to be prepared. Go over the pages I gave you!” Mrs. Sutton called as the bell rang.

She walked over to her desk and sank down gratefully into the leather chair. I waited until everyone had walked out of the classroom before picking up my bag, and making my way towards her.

“What can I help you with dear?” she questioned softly, as she glanced up.

I bit my lip, and then sank down on the chair closest to her. My hands were shaking so I clutched it tightly in my lap.


“I was wondering if I could talk to you?”

“Of course dear. You know you can. Is something bothering you? Did something happen?”

I kept my eyes on the wall. “About a month and a few weeks ago I found out that my father isn’t my real father. My mother had an affair.”

“She told you that herself?”

I nodded. After slight hesitation, I told her everything. I left out a few things but tried to stick as close to the truth as possible. When I was finished she sat silently. I could feel her eyes burning into my head.

“Do you hate them for lying to you?” I shrugged. “I’m sure what they did was for a reason. Sometimes lies are made up to hide the ugly truth. You’re old enough to understand that some things led to another. There must be a reason as to why your mother had an affair. Why your father treats you the way he does. Life is short Alia.” A gently hand squeezed my shoulder. “Talk to them. Find out why they did what they did. Only when you know the truth, will you be able to move on.”

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now