Chapter Thirty

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I STOOD IN THE shower for about an hour. Finally getting out I wrapped the clean towel around my body.

I washed my dress and underwear before stepping out of the room looking for somewhere to dry them. The door opened and Stephen stepped inside with two bags. He's dripping wet.

            "Damn it's fucking cold." He placed the bags on the bed turning to face me.

My cheeks heated as his eyes instantly dropped trailing over me. When is he going to make love to me? Or is that plan also cancelled because of the rain?

            "I got some clean clothes." He cleared his throat dumping on bag on the bed. "And some rib burgers."

Walking back into the bathroom I hung my dress over the faucet dumping my underwear in it. I'll look for a place to hang it a little later.

Stephen had pulled off his shirt when I entered the room again. Next he kicked off his shoes dropping his phone and wallet onto the nightstand.

             "I'm going to take a shower, you can start eating if you want." Sending me a wink he walked past me into the bathroom.

The door closed silently behind him making my shoulders drop. Shaking my head I walked over to the bed looking at the clothes. He got some underwear, jeans and a simple shirt for both of us.

I pulled on the black panties dropping the towel before pulling on the T-shirt. Picking the towel up again I dried my hair as much as I could. The smells of the food made my stomach grumbled. It smells really delicious.

I placed the towel aside sitting on the bed cross legged. Pulling the food out of the bag placing his aside. Sticking a fry in my mouth I stared at the wall. I can hear the shower and the thought of joining him has passed my mind.

Maybe I should seduce him?

The bathroom door opened interrupting my thoughts. My breathing hitched as he stepped out. He stood in only a towel his hair still dripping wet. Water droplets fell onto his chest slowly sliding down to the towel.

          "Don't look at me like that Alia." Stephen said softly, slowly walking towards the bed.

I stood, the food forgotten as desire replaced it. Our eyes locked causing instant heat to rise between us. I took another step closer my legs shaking slightly.

         "Please Stephen." I whispered. "Please."

I don't know who moved first. The next instant his lips are on mine, his hands pressing me against his. The back of my knees hit the side of the bed, when had we moved?

            "The food." I mumbled my head tilting back as his lips trailed down my neck.

He mumbled something that didn't really make any sense. Stepping back from me he placed it back in the bag setting it aside.
His lips caught mine again as he slowly lowered me onto the bed. His body came down on top of mine.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I hooked my leg over his. Stephen's upper body covered half of mine as he deepened the kiss. His hand trailed down my back pulling my panties slightly down.

I moaned one hand moving to bury in his hair. His hand trailed down the back of my thigh hooking it higher over his hip.

           "You should be eating." He mumbled lips moving over my chin and lower.

          "Mmm." I gasp as his teeth nibbled along my jaw. "I'm not hungry for food anymore."

He chuckled one hand slipping into my panties to squeeze my ass. My hands slipped lower over his shoulders to his shoulder blades. I tilted my hips upwards moaning as I felt him through the towel. He's already hard.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now