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The drive to the beach was four hours long. It was agreed that Nathan will drive Kate and Derick while I'll drive with Stephen. For some reason Kate's mood turned sour after we appeared down stairs. I knew it was obvious that we showered together, but what I didn't understand was why it bothered her so much.

We stopped at a gas station two hours into the drive to freshen up. I went to the bathroom with Kate while the men got refreshments. She was suddenly cheerful again. Her mood swings were starting to give me whiplash.

I exited the stall and walked to the faucet to wash my hands. My eyes caught my reflection in the mirror. I had pulled my hair up into a bun when the heat started to rise. It was messy but it didn't bother me. My face was pale and the dark circles beneath my eyes were clearly visible. I thought of using some make-up to cover it but decided against it.

Another stall door opened. Kate stepped out with her phone in her hand. She was frowning down at it. Lately she's been doing that a lot.

“Can I ask you something?” she asked as she reached my side.

I shrugged then opened the tap again. Splashing some cold water against my face, I grabbed some paper towels and dried my face.

“I'm just curious and well I don't want your first time to be as embarrassing as mine was.” she paused. “Are you and Stephen planning the day you'd be having sex or are you just waiting for it to happen?”

“I don't know. I guess we're planning it.”

“If you plan it then that gives us more time to get the kit ready?”

“The kit?” I frowned at her.

Rolling her eyes, she turned to face me. “The kit is something every girl needs. It holds all the emergency essentials. Think of it as a safely kit– to prevent pregnancy and all that. You have the condoms, the morning after pill, some lube if needed ect.”

“I won't need that,” I said, making my way towards the door. “Stephen will be prepared.”

Kate didn't stop at my last words. She followed me out of the bathroom and continued to explain everything. Her way of preparing me had something to do with a spa, waxing, a few drinks– and that's where I started to block her out. Thought one thing she said stuck– waxing. I knew some woman groom their pubic hair just like some men do, but I've never been one of them.
I tried shaving once– keyword being once– I ended up cutting myself.

I've never thought of doing that again, until now. Stephen had seen me naked numerous times and it never seemed to bother him. I wondered if he secretly wished me shaved down there.

My cheeks heated when I thought of that. I ignored Kate and slowly made my way down a random aisle. I stared blindly at the items as my mind raced with different thoughts. By the time I snapped back to reality I found myself standing in front of chocolates.

“The Oreo one taste amazing,” someone spoke from behind me.

My body tensed. I gave him a stiff nod but ignored him. I didn't want to give him any reason to talk to me.

The man didn't get the message. “I wonder which flavour my girlfriend would like? Maybe I should ask her.”

The last part he mumbled more to himself than to me. I muttered something I hope sounded friendly before turning and walking away. My phone pinged just before I could turn into the next aisle. I paused then pulled my phone from my shorts.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now