Chapter Thirteen

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KATE LEFT EARLY THE next morning with Derrick. I didn't get to say goodbye, but Stephen said that she said she will call me.

They left just after seven, I didn't get to greet them since I was still asleep. It's the first time in years I've slept till after eight on a weekend.

By the time I woke up the sun was already high in the sky, the heat of the day sticking to my skin. I took a quick shower dressing in some high waist jean shorts and a tank top. Pulling my hair up into a messy ponytail I walked downstairs.

Stephen stood by the stove, his back turned to me. My eyes trailed over him taking in his muscle shirt and dark wash jeans.


Giving him a small smile I took a seat on one of the bar stool by the counter. "Morning."

            "Did you sleep well?" He asked breaking two eggs into the frying pan.

           "Yes. Thank you, and you?"

           "Slept great."

Silence settled as he continued to cook us breakfast. My stomach grumbled as the delicious smell filled the air.

Half an hour later a plate is placed in front of me. Toast, scrambled eggs, some bacon and hush browns filled it. He handed me a glass of orange juice then placed some ketchup and mustard on the counter.

Switching off the stove he walked around the counter taking the chair next to me.

          "Thank you."

Damn, he can cook! I closed my eyes as I took the last bite of eggs. It's delicious, not too much spice or salt, just enough for it to taste different.

          "What are your plans for the day?" Stephen asked a few minutes after we finished eating.

I shrugged standing and taking our plates over to the sink. "I have a test on Monday, and some homework to complete."

Nodding he stood walking over to me. He took the dishes from me loading it into the dishwasher. A squeak fell from my lips as he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me against him.

Before I could say anything his lips are on mine. Slowly he kissed me, his tongue tracing my bottom lip for entrance. I parted my lips gripping his shoulders as his tongue started to stroke mine.

I pulled away sucking in air. Opening my eyes I saw him smiling down at me.

           "You know, for someone that haven't been kissed before, you really are a good kisser."

My eyes widened, did he just..?

          "I'm going to work outside while you study." Giving me one last kiss on the lips, he turned disappearing into the back yard.

He just said I'm a good kisser! 


I FROWNED DOWN AT the paper in my hand trying to make sense of the words the teacher had scribbled. 


My head snapped up, eyes locking with Stephen's before dropping. He stood in only his jeans, his chest glistering, his hair damp and sticking to his head.

           "Time to take a break." He stepped further into the room frowning down at the bed.

I don't blame him. His queen size bed is littered with papers, books and pens. Everything I needed to study.

              "Not yet." Dropping my eyes I looked down at the paper again.

              "You've been stuck in this room for two hours, I'm surprised you haven't melted yet."

My lips quirked up but I said nothing. True, it is really hot. The ceiling fan isn't really helping much, but I've been so concentrated on my work I haven't noticed until now.

             "Let's go for a swim."

             "You have a pool?"

His smiled widened a chuckle falling from his lips making my cheeks heat. Right, stupid question!

             "Stephen please, I need to get this all in my head. I don't have time for anything else." I searched through the papers for the one I made the notes on. "Beside I don't have swimwear here."

With a frustrated sigh I dropped the papers climbing off the bed. I made my way to my school bag searching for the file I think the papers are in. Pulling it out I turned eyes wide when Stephen stepped in front of me.

He looked down at the file with a frown before grabbing it and throwing it onto the bed. I opened my mouth ready to protest.

Stephen picked me up like I'm a sack of potato's!

           "Put me down!" I yelled hitting him with my fists.

He only chuckled arm tightening around my tights. About half way down the stairs I gave up allowing my body to go limp.

He has a nice ass. Tight. Muscled. Nice round globes perfect for- What the hell am I saying?

He took the three steps down the patio and onto the lawn. A few more steps and he lowered me to the ground. My body slid against his making my breath caught.

               "You don't need swimwear to swim." Stephen muttered softly hooking his fingers in the hem of my shirt.

My eyes locked with his as he slowly pulled my shirt up and over my head. He dropped the material to the side, then lowered his eyes.

I watched as they darkened. Stephen placed his hands on my hips. Slowly his hands moved up my sides stopping beneath my breasts.

He smiled dropping his hands to the jeans shorts. My hands caught his wrists making his eyes snap up to mine. Stephen said nothing, he stepped away from me.

My eyes widened as he unbuttoned his jeans pulling down the zip. Kicking of his shoes, he pulled off his socks dropping them next to his shoes. His eyes caught mine as he pushed his pants down.

I couldn't help it, my eyes dropped lower, face heating. He wore black swim trunks, tight fit, just like his boxers from last night.

            "The water feels nice." My eyes snap back up to his.

He smirked down at me, his eyes filling with mirth as his arms wrapped around my waist again. 

I screamed as I'm lifted into the air for a fee seconds before I'm surround by cold, clear water.

Closing my eyes tightly I pushed myself up sucking in air as I surfaced. Moving the loose strands of hair from my face I turned to glare at Stephen.

He only laughed splashing me with water. My dark mood quickly cleared as we started to play around.

Like Stephen said, the water feels nice. Refreshing.

I got tired quickly, not use to swimming. Making my way over to the steps I sat down on the bottom one. The water lapped at my shoulders hiding my bra from his view. 

I watched as Stephen continued to swim a few more laps. Minutes later he resurfaced in front of me making me jump.

            "Can I ask you something?" I broke the silence looking down at the water.


Swallowing I looked up at him playing with the water. My mind is jumbled with questions I'd like to ask him. One, though, is really making my stomach turn with nervousness.

               "Yesterday you said, that y-you're getting payment for h-helping." Dropping my eyes I forced myself not to blush. "When are we going to have s-sex?"

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