Chapter Thirty Two

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TEARS STREAMED DOWN MY cheeks as I blindly ran down the street. I should have know it, he wouldn't stay with someone like me. A girl nine years younger than him.

An arm wrapped around my waist halting my movement. I screamed clawing at his arm.

            "Stop screaming."

My mouth slammed shut body tensing. Spinning around I glare up at Stephen.

            "Has she been filling the empty space in your bed because I couldn't?" I yelled hitting his chest. "Wasn't I good enough?"


         "Did what happened between us mean nothing to you? Is that-" My words got cut off as he grabbed my wrist pulling me against him.

His mouth claimed mine. Stephen kissed me until my body relaxed against his. Pulling back he leaned his forehead against mine. I slowly opened my eyes staring up at him.

          "I haven't been sleeping with her, or anyone since I met you." Stephen said softly wiping my cheeks with his thumb.

         "But-" Again I'm silenced by his lips claiming mine.

My hands gripped his shoulders body arching against his as his hands slid to my hips.

            "Let's talk at the house." His eyes searched mine for an answer.

I gave him a small nod, my eyes dropped to our hands as he slipped his in mine. We walked back to the house in silence, the front door stood open.

Stephen closed it behind us leading me down a hall I haven't seen before. He opened a door standing aside for me to enter first. The room is spacious, the air-conditioning instantly cooling my heated skin.

Everywhere I looked are gym stuff. From floor mats to weights and all the other machines.

            "I was busy working out when you rang the doorbell." Stephen said softly making me turn to him.

He leaned against the wall watching me silently with a strange expression. Shame washed through me, this is the second time I've falsely accused him.

            "It looked like you were having sex."

He has kissed her before, even if he said that it was only a peck on the cheek. They have a history and nothing will change that.

            "I would never do that to you." He said softly taking a step towards me. "Maybe in the past with the other girls, yes, but not with you."

Stopping in front of me his eyes trailed around the room before locking with mine again.

             "If we are going to make this relationship work, you need to trust me. No matter what, you need to have full faith in me." He reached out moving a strand of hair behind my ear. "There is only space for two in this relationship, Alia. You and me."

            "I'm sorry." I whispered closing the space between us.

I wrapped my arms around his waist pressing my face against his chest. His lips brushed my hair as his arms closed around me. I feel like I'm home when I'm in his arms.

             "I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me." His voice send a jolt straight to my pussy.

I'm going to need a new pair of underwear. Lifting my head I bit my lip staring up at him.

           "What do you have in mind?"

Stephen smirked his hands lowering to my ass. Giving it a tight squeeze he bit his lip.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now