Chapter Thirty Eight

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MY LEG BOUNCED UP and down as I tried to concentrate on what the teacher is saying. It's really hard when your bladder feels like it's about to burst.

I really, really need to fucking pee.

I sigh sitting up straighter my eyes darting to the clock on the wall above the door. Not that it helped, I have no clue when the period will end. Kate placed her hand on my knee stopping my movement. She gave me an irked glare, I gave her a sheepish smile.

Dropping my pen I raised my hand.

           "Yes?" The teacher narrowed her eyes on me.

          "May I please go to the bathroom?"

She gave me a stiff nod making a sigh fall from my lips. Giving her a thankful smile I rushed out of the room and down the stairs. Thankfully the bathroom is nearby, if I had to walk across the school I would definitely have peed my pants.

Finishing up I walked over to the basin washing my hands. My eyes caught my reflection in the mirror making me frown. I have dark half moon circle's underneath my eyes. My skin is pale, but cheeks slightly flushed from the walk here.

I've barely seen Stephen at all these past days. I spend most of my days preparing for mid terms that is just two months away. Or I have to watch my sister's because mom had to work, so I've been told.

Shaking my head I turned walking straight into another girl that just entered. Her elbow hit my boob making me hiss.

           "I'm so sorry!"

Rubbing the sore spot I waved her apology away, I should have watched where I was going. The girl gave me a small friendly smile before disappearing into the cubicle.

My breast are supper tender, one of the things I hate about my period. Apart from the pain. I climbed up the stairs reaching the classroom just as the bell rang. Quickly entering I packed my stuff away following Kate out of the classroom.

Things have pretty much returned to normal between us, but not like before. There is still this edge to her I can't place. We made our way to our new lunch spot, since our other one was taken over by Delilah and her new gang.

Still can't believe she just ditched us like that. Some friend she turned out to be.

I dropped my bag leaning back against the wall as I sat down. Kate sat next to me pulling out a sandwich from her bag. I pulled my nose up at it as she held a piece for me. I'm not a fan of cheesespread.

           "Is there something you need to tell me?" Kate broke the silence snapping me out of my daydream.

I sat up turning to face her with a frown. "What do you mean?"

           "Oh come on Alia, I'm not stupid." She took a bite of her sandwich. "I've been through it too."

          "I seriously have no clue what you're talking about."

She rolled her eyes dramatically placing her sandwich down and giving me her attention.

           "For the past week you've been coming in late because you feel sick in the morning. Or it happens suddenly during the day. You're boobs are tender, I can see how uncomfortable that makes you. And you're very fucking moody!"

My heartbeat started to increase, sweat forming on my forehead as her words penetrated my mind.

           "You're pregnant."

And those are to words that made me puke my guts out in the toilet a second later. I took the morning after pill, I'm on birth control so I can't be pregnant right, right?

Standing up on shaky legs I opened the door finding Kate standing there with a frown.

           "I'm not pregnant." I told her washing my hands then my mouth. "I haven't been sleeping well because of school and watching my sister's. And for my breasts being tender, you know that only happens when my period is about to start."

             "We get our periods at the same time." She said softly giving me a small sympathetic smile. "I've already had mine, have you?"

No, I've been so busy, I haven't even realized that I've missed it.

           "Stress can cause missed periods too." I said softly walking out of the bathroom.

          "Fucking hell Alia!" Kate grabbed my arm spinning me around. "Stop trying to make answer for everything! You're pregnant."

Pulling my arm from her hold I walked back to our place taking a seat once again. A few minutes later Kate sat down next to me. We said nothing, both lost in our own fault. My hands moved to my stomach a shiver of fear racing down my spine.

             "Are you gonna take a test?"

I glanced at her giving her a shrug. "I can't just buy pregnancy test at the local pharmacy."

            "So we go to the town over." Kate said softly as if it's not big deal.

           "I can't." My shoulders dropped. "I have to watch my sister's."

           "You have a nanny."

           "Not anymore." I stood up as the bell rang. "She got another, better paying job."

Without waiting for a reply I started walking towards our maths class. It's only two more periods and then I can go home, two periods of doing maths.

           "Hey." I looked up at Kate. "I'll drive to get the test, then you can take it tonight? My mom will watch Derrick, I'll tell her we have to study."

It's in times like this that I'm thankful to have a friend like Kate.

            "Thank you." I have her a small hug. "Though I'm certain I'm not pregnant."


I PARKED MY CAR in the driveway picking up my bag before getting out. Opening the front door I stepped inside, my attention instantly drawn to the living room. Usually when I get home from school I would find Emma there.

Frowning I made my way into the kitchen, it's empty. I walked down the hall dropping my bag in my room as I passed. Entering my parents room I froze.

           "Oh hey honey." My mom said softly sitting up. "You don't have to worry about watching your sister's. Your aunt took them."

I stepped forward helping her up. So far I seem to be the only one noticing her weight lost, the paleness of her skin and the lack of appetite.

            "You have the house to yourself until six tonight."

           "That's good." I sighed in relief. "Then I can get some studying in."

She nodded in reply walking out of the room and into the kitchen, I followed.

           "Where are you going again?"

           "Out to dinner with one of your father's old work friends."

It's all answer I could get out of her. Half an hour later my dad stopped by the house to pick her up. They left soon after with a 'be good'.

I took the time alone doing my homework. By the time I finished Kate pulled up. I waited for her by the front door watching as she got out of the car with a bright smile. Why the hell is she so happy?

She handed me the plastic bag walking to my room. Sitting down on the bed she pointed down to the test.

          "I got three, just to be sure."

That makes me feel so much better. Note the sarcasm

Walking into the bathroom I dumped it out on the counter reading the instructions of each test. Time to pee on the stick. I know I'm not pregnant, I would have realized it soon. I've watch my mom go through two pregnancies. I know the signs, I'm not pregnant.

Five minutes later Kate and I both entered the bathroom. Closing my eyes I sucked in a deep breath before stepping forward and opening them.

          "Oh God."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now