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I tugged on the green tie around my neck once more. It felt like I was being suffocated. The heat in the small classroom wasn’t helping. I could feel the sweat trailing down my back and between my breasts. My stomach grumbled– a reminder that I skipped breakfast. My grip on the pen tightened until my knuckles turned white. I could hear my heart beating in my ears and that just made the sick feeling worse. The pen slipped from my sweaty fingers. I swallowed. It took a lot of energy just to raise my hand. One of the unfamiliar teachers approached me.

“I don’t feel so good. Can I please get some fresh air?”

“l will take her.”

A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me onto unsteady legs. Everything was spinning. With an arm wrapped around my waist I was led between the tables and out. The slight breeze cooled my skin slightly but it didn’t bring any relief. I was barely aware of what was happening around me. When the dizziness began to fade I realized I was lying on a narrow bed. Something cool was placed against my forehead and my neck. I blinked up at the white ceiling then risked a glance around the room. It was familiar. I was in the sick room. It smelled a whole lot better not to mention how good it felt to be away from the heat.


My eyes snapped to the door where Nathan entered. He was carrying a bottle of ice water in one hand and papers with a pen in the other. My bag hung over one of his shoulders.

“Do you feel good enough to finish your test?” he questioned.

“You can finish it here or if you feel too sick you can make arrangements to finish it at a later date.”

“I’m feeling better,” I said softly.

“You know better not to go out on an empty stomach in this head.” I stared up at him in surprise. “That’s what you symptoms led me to believe.”


He nodded as he placed the water and test on the cabinet. “The headache, dizziness, your body overheating and you feeling sick. It makes you panic which makes you feel worse.”

I just stared up at him.

“Once upon a time I wanted to be a doctor.”

“Why aren’t you?”

“Because,” our eyes locked, “my mother went to jail and my father turned into a crazy ol' bat. I was given custody of my brother and sister.”

“Y-you have a sister?”

“Had,” he muttered. “She was killed after being tortured and raped numerous times. Then her body was dumped by our front door with a little note.”

I sucked in air. His words shocked me into silence. Was that why Stephen became a cop? I needed answer and now was the perfect time to ask him that.

“W-what was written on the note?”

He turned to me. Hazel eyes had suddenly turned emotionless; cold. “It was an example. This is what will happen to everyone you love. He gave us a warning and one we ignored.” Letting out a low laugh, he turned to look at me again. “I ignored it and fell in love with the most amazing girl. We were engaged. I left her alone for only an hour, and when I got how she was death. She was beaten to death. Her legs and arms broken while she was still breathing. Then they beat her until she was unrecognizable. Police thought it was me. I made the mistake of calling Stephen in my panic. He came over seconds before the police arrived. He took the blame and that’s why he was in jail. Stephen didn’t kill anyone. He’s not that kind of man, but if you stay with him Alia he will become that man to hold on to you.”

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now