Chapter Sixteen

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#_# Stephen #_#

FUCK! SHIT! FUCKING HELL! I sucked in another shaky breath my hand tightening around her hip.

           "Don't move Alia." I squeezed my eyes shut. "Please don't fucking move."

It's taking everything in me just to stay still. I want to pull back and pound into her until she screams my name. Fuck, I should have stopped things before it got this far.

I was going to, but then she wrapped her hand around my cock and all thoughts flew from my mind. Jesus Christ, her pussy clenched around me.


The doorbell rang again followed by three loud knocks.

If it isn't for whom ever is at the door I would be making love to her right now. Shit, it was never suppose to go this far.

Pushing myself up onto my elbow my eyes trailed over her face. Her cheeks are flushed pink, hair fanned out against my pillow. Her eyes are closed and mouth slightly open as she sucked in shaky breaths.

She's so fucking gorgeous.

           "I'm going to pull out." I told her softly waiting for her nod before moving. 

I slowly pulled out of her tight heat winching as she whimpered in pain. Pushing myself off the bed I pulled my shorts back up glancing out the window. This day just couldn't get any worse.

Turning my eyes fell on Alia. She's gripping the sheets tightly her legs pressed together as she tried to slow her breathing. I couldn't help it, my eyes trailed over her body again.

Her tits moved with every breath, her nipples tight buds pointing up at the ceiling. I licked my lips, cock twitched as my eyes lowered.

We were suppose to wait until she's eighteen. I'm such a fucking idiot. I made my way into the bathroom towards the shower. Opening the tabs I set the temperature before walking out again.

Alia sat at the edge of the bed her head hung low and body slightly shaking. My stomach clench at the though of her crying.

           "Alia?" Kneeling in front of her I moved her hands away from her face.

Her cornflower blue eyes are filled with tears, her cheeks damp and lips quivering. "Did I do something wrong? Is that why you don't want to continue?"

Shaking my head I smiled at her as I cubed her cheeks. "You did nothing wrong baby, you were amazing. But you have to understand that what just happened, shouldn't have happened."

Her shoulders slumped more tears dropping down her cheeks. Cursing myself in my head I leaned up capturing her lips. Breaking the kiss I moved the hair from her face giving her a gentle smile. 

           "I wanted to make your first time special, baby." My eyes caught hers. "This was only suppose to be for you, your pleasure."

The doorbell rang again, this time continuously.

Pressings my lips together I straightened. I picked Alia up walking into the bathroom with her. Placing her down in front of the shower I kissed her again pulling back breathlessly.

           "Take a shower baby, after this we will talk okay?"

She nodded her eyes dropping to my pants making me chuckle. Kissing her forehead I gave her a wink walking back into my bedroom.

Making my way down the stairs I grabbed my discarded shirt pulling it on before making my way to the front door.

Thankfully I locked it just before we went swimming.

           "Why did you take so long?" He pushed past me into the house making me narrow my eyes.

          "I don't believe I invited you in."

A scoff from behind me hand me turning back around.

          "You know he has no manners." My aunt stepped forward pulling me down to place a kiss on my cheek before moving past ms.

With a sigh I closed the door following them into the kitchen. I watched with a frown as she started unpacking some groceries.

             "What are you doing here?" I asked again my eyes narrowing on Sebastian as he started rating my fridge.

             "We haven't see or spoken to you in months, can't we just come check up on you?" Aunt Iris said softly her eyes narrowing on my.

           "I suppose you can." I walked over to the kettle switching it on before taking out four cups.

          "Don't be like that Stephen! You can't continue to push people away, you'll die old, grey and lonely."

         "Or not." Sebastian said softly snapping my attention to him.

I turned around my eyes falling on Alia standing in the doorway looking uncertain. My eyes moved to aunt Iris, a sigh falling from my lips.

          "Alia, this is my aunt Iris, and her son Sebastian." I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her against me. "This is a friend, Alia."

Her body tensed eyes glancing at me before giving them a small, shy smile.

She stepped away making my arm drop from her waist. I walked back to the counter finishing the coffee as they made small talk.

           "So Alia, how long have you been living here?"

          "All my life." She said softly making at them.

I leaned against the counter sipping my coffee as they sat at the island. Sipping my coffee, my eyes locked with hers. She quickly dropped them, but not before I saw the shame flashing through her eyes.

She's ashamed if what happened. Is the shame for the way her body reacted towards me, or for what happened afterwards?

I should never have agreed to this. Should have turned her away, but I couldn't.

The thought of her with another man. Of him kissing her or touching her, made my blood boil.

Alia is mine. She was mine the moment I saw her sitting at my booth in the café.

          "We're having a barbeque next weekend, you should come." Sebastian smirked at her, his eyes dropping to her chest.

          "I'm sure Alia has stuff to do next weekend."

Her eyes caught mine something flashing in the blue depths. "I'm free next weekend. I'd love to come."

I clenched my teeth, eyes narrowing on her.

Two can play this game, sweetheart.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now