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I'M HUNGRY, EXTREMELY HUNGRY. My stomach grumbled again, making me wince. I placed a shaky hand against it closing my eyes briefly. When is he going to give me food? I only have little water left. It taste weird.

          "Give it back!"

I jumped pressing myself tighter against the wall. The girls started screaming. They always fight, especially about the water. Someone pressed themselves against me making me tense. I glanced to my left. The girl is younger than me, she's about twelve or thirteen. I met her three days ago.

When I woke up I was in another room. More like a container with a bunch of other girls. That's where I met Rosie, she was kidnapped. She told me how the men grabbed her and pulled her into a van before injecting her.

Turns out the same man that kidnapped me, is also a human trafficker. We have been traveling for days before stopping at some warehouse. I've seen different men come in here, pick a girl and then disappear.

I've lost count of the days locked up in the dark and hot container.  I feel like I'm suffocating.

The door creaks open. He steps inside followed by two of his men. I know what's coming, he's coming to play.


MY EYES SNAP OPEN, air leaving my lungs. Sitting up I ran a hand through my hair, then down my face. My body is sweaty, clothes sticking to my skin. The sound that woke me filled my ears as the nightmare started to fade.

I threw back the sheets getting out of bed. Pulling on the robe that hung behind the door, I padded down the hall. The apartment is spacious, a open plan kitchen with a medium sized living room. Two bedroom, one with a bathroom, which is mine. The other is a guestroom that rarely gets used. And then a bathroom the guests can use.


         "Hey sweetheart, how are you doing?" My dad's voice drifted through the voice making me smile.

        "I'm good." I walked into the kitchen switching on the kettle. "Been busy with work and stuff but I'm doing good."

       "That's great to hear!" He cleared his throat. "Will you be coming home this weekend?"

It's the same question he always asks. And every time I make up some excuse to stay here. I don't want to go back. Going back means that I have to remember and I don't want to remember. I've buried it all to the back of my mind, that's how I moved on. I can't run away forever, they are family and I really miss them.

           "I'll see what I can do." I said softly making myself a cup of coffee.

Taking the cup, I walked over to the window staring down at the early morning London traffic.

          "Well if you can figure something out let me know. You're sister's will be very happy to have you here."

         "I know." My chest tightened. "Dad, I have to go. Need to get ready for work, I'll call when I get home."

        "Okay sweetheart, be save." He paused. "I love you."

A second later I hung up leaning against the window. My eyes fill with tears but I pushed it away. It wasn't easy, getting back on my feet after being locked up for a year. It's like learning to walk again, learning to trust. 

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now