Chapter Thirty Nine

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MY HEART IS BEATING in my ears as I stared down at the three test. I reached forward picking one up, then the other, and finally the last.

"So?" Kate asked softly from behind me.

I opened my mouth my eyes locking on her through the mirror. Before I could say anything my mom called out. Panic flashed through me, without thinking I opened the cabinet throwing the test inside. Placing the towels over them, I followed Kate out of the bathroom.

My mom and dad entered the house walking into the kitchen. We followed behind them. My dad made small talk with Kate as my mom packed away the stuff they bought. I frowned at them eyes darting to the clock, it's just past five.

"Well I should probably get going." Kate stood saying a goodbye to the before walking out of the kitchen.

I followed her silently to my room watching as she grabbed her bags. She gave me a wide smile and a hug walking out of the house. Is it my imagination or is she happier than she was when she got here?

Emma and Sam was dropped off just after six by my aunt and uncle. They stayed for dinner which was actually really fun. The jokes my uncle made wasn't funny at all, but because he thought it's funny, made it funny.

They left just after nine, I had a quick bath before getting into bed. Picking up my phone I dialed Stephen's number, he didn't answer. I tried twice more before giving up, he's probably out on duty.


THE MOMENT I STEPPED out of my car I knew something is wrong. Everyone stopped what they are doing turning to look at me.

This use to happen the first time when they posted the pictures online. Locking my car I made my way towards the gate feeling more uncomfortable by the minute. Kate never showed up for school and neither did Dane.

As the bell rang I turned making my way towards the assembly. I dropped my bag off at the classroom. Walking through the tunnel I'm about to join the others when something caught my attention.

With slow steps I walked over to the information board. There are papers plastered onto it almost fully covering the board. My breathing sped up. It's a picture of Stephen and me, of the time in the shower at the beach house. Our faces are clearly visible, thankfully Stephen's large frame covered mine.

Miss innocent isn't so innocent anymore.

The words are written at the top of the page. Tears filled my eyes as some of the students that passed me gave me a disgusting look.

"Hey." The girl that I bumped into in the bathroom appeared next to me. "Let's get these off."

She held open a black plastic bag with one hand, her other starting to rip the pages from the board. I followed her actions pulling the papers off and dumping them into the bag.

"They only placed the papers up here. Nowhere else in the school."

"They?" My voice cracked slightly as I glanced around at the staring students.

A group of boys walked past us, one gave me a smirk eyes dripping to trail over my body. Another came up from behind me slapping my ass. I span around opening my mouth to yell at them but they're already walking away.

Tears started dripping down my cheeks. Grabbing the bag from the girl I collected my school bag sprinting toward my car. Unlocking it I threw the bag onto the backseat getting it. I drove out of the school yard ignoring the guard yelling at me to stop.

Wiping the tears away I focused on the road. My hands are shaking badly I got out of the car after pulling to a stop in my driveway. Forcing my legs to work I walked toward the house. My steps flattered as I reached the front door.

Stepping over the two bags laying outside I entered the house. Screaming and crying caught my attention. I followed the sounds down the hall. They came from my bedroom, and the distraction I saw made my heart drop to my stomach.

My dad is throwing all my clothes into a bag, everything else on the floor. My mom stood a side screaming at him but he ignored her. I stepped into the room drawing her attention to me. Her eyes flashed in panic and fear her words dying down on her lips.

"W-what's going on?" I whispered making my dad freeze.

He straightened turning to look at me, the look on his face had me taking a step back.

"What a question!" He picked something up from the bed pressing it into my hands. "Shouldn't you be the one explaining it? My daughter- the girl I raised would never have done something like this."

My eyes dropped to the pregnancy test in my hands. I didn't think that someone would find them.

"Get you're stuff and get out!"

He stormed past me. Dropping the test I ran after him gripping his arm.

"Dad! Please y-you can't do this. I have nowhere to go!"

"Should have thought about that before sleeping around like a fucking slut." He stormed off into the kitchen with my mom following behind him.

"Dad!" I followed wiping the tears angrily from my cheeks. "I'm your daughter, p-please just l-listen."

My mom cried out. In a second my father had spun around slapping me. I stumbled backwards pressing my hand against the cheek he had slapped.

"I only have three daughters, the other one died."

His word hurt. It felt like he just stabbed me in the heart. Swallowing the lump in my throat I gave a small nod.

"Okay." Spinning around I walked on shaky legs back to my room.

I finished throwing my clothes in the bag, grabbing everything else that I might need. No one tried to stop me as I walked out of the house. I grabbed the other two bags that he threw outside stuffing them in the car.

Speeding away from the house I tried to even my breath as more tears started falling down my cheeks. My vision is blurry but I somehow managed to make it safely into town. Parking in front of the police station I wiped the tears before getting out.

I entered the station glancing around searching for Stephen. He's nowhere to be found, other officers are typing on the computer. Talking on the phone or having a conversation with each other.

"Hey can I help you?"

I turned around looking up at the tall man. He's lanky but muscular with brown eyes and dark hair. He gave me a small friendly smile his eyes moving over my face.

"I'm looking for Officer Daniels." I said softly turning to look around again.

"Ah, you're Stephen's girl." He exclaimed making my eyes snap back to his. "Follow me."

I licked my dry lips following him through the desk scattered around and down a short hall. He knocked loudly on a door before pushing it opened.

"Dude, your girl's here." Turning he have me a wink walking back the way we came.

Taking a hesitant step forward I entered the small office. Stephen sat behind the desk leaning back in an uncomfortable looking chair. His eyes instantly locked with mine before dropping to my stomach.

He already knows.

"Can we talk?" I closed the door softly before turning to face him.

"There is nothing to talk about." He said softly turning his attention back to the papers on the desk.

My breath caught in my throat legs threatening to give way beneath me.

"Stephen I'm pregnant."

He froze, his body tensing and face paling. Slowly lifting his head he looked at me again.

"I guess you already know that." A small laugh fell from my lips. "Your eyes dropped to my stomach the moment I stepped inside. Who told you?"

"Look, I'm working, we can talk about this another time." Standing he picked up the papers walking past me to the door.

"I'm pregnant Stephen, we need to talk about this!"

With his hand on the doorhandle he turned slightly to face me. The words he said next had the little hope in me disappear.

"I don't want kids."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now