Chapter Thirty Five

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A SOFT HAND ON my shoulder made my body tense. Snapping open my eyes I blinked rapidly at the bright light suddenly filling my room.

My mom smiled down at me. "We're leaving in a few minutes, Stephen will also probably be here soon."

I nod pushing the hair out of my face before getting up. I'm about to follow her out of the room when she stopped me.

            "Put on another shirt or a bra. You're father will have a fit if you wear that in front of the boy."

I frowned looking down at my clothes. Mom's right, I'm only wearing a crop top with short shorts. Not to mention the few holes the shirt have in. Opening my closet I pulled out a large T-shirt. I pulled it on over the shirt before making my way into the kitchen.

My dad leaned against the counter sipping coffee from his cup while watching my mom. She's busy with their bags, checking to make sure they have everything.

           "Morning." I mumbled walking over to the fridge.

I drank some juice before turning to face them.

           "All the emergency numbers are on the fridge. Patrick will stop by after work to check up on you." My mom said softly zipping the bag close. "You know where all your sister's stuff are so I don't think you will have a problem with that."

          "We are borrowing Stephen's car so you can use the car with the baby seat."

I nod blinking at them. "You'll be gone for a day, not forever."

I didn't miss the glance they shared. After asking if they need any help I walked to the living room switching on the TV. Taking a seat on the couch I surfed the channels. Deciding on a movie I've watched once before I got comfortable.

Twenty minutes later lights flashed through the window as a car pulled to a stop in front of the house. I stood walking towards the front door. My father beat me too it opening the door even before Stephen could knock.

            "Morning." Stephen shook hands with my dad stepping inside the house.

He placed a gym bag down next to the door. Straightening his eyes fell on me. I gave him a small smile stepping towards him. Stephen wrapped an arm around my waist kissing my forehead.

           "Morning baby."

We all walked into the kitchen. My dad picked up the bags walking out of the house, Stephen followed leaving my mom and I in the kitchen.

          "There's some extra money in the jar in case you need anything. We've already talked to Emma so hopefully she won't give you any trouble." My mom gave me a small smile. "I trust you, so does you're father. You're not a girl anymore and Stephen is a man. What I'm trying to say is, don't do anything stupid Alia."

           "I won't." I whispered stepping forward to hug her. "Please drive safely."

We walked out of the house joining the men at the car. My dad kissed my forehead giving me a tight hug.


I wrapped my arm around myself as a cool breeze blew. The nights are getting cooler which means it will be fall soon. Dad and Stephen shared a look as he got into the car.

My heart dropped to my stomach as the drove away. I have to watch my two sisters alone. Will I be able to do that? Why did I agree to this?

           "Alia?" Stephen placed his hand on my cheek drawing my attention. "Let's get inside."

I nod allowing him to lead me into the house. He closed the door making sure to lock it before turning to me. My eyes dropped to his bag.

           "I'll show you to my brother's room." I said softly uncrossing my arms.

He gave me a small nod following me as I led him down the hall to my brother's old room. I pushed the door open flicking on the light. All his personal belongings has been taken by him. There's only the double bed and empty shelves.

         "Thank you." He dropped the bag on the bed turning to face me. "Are you going back to sleep?"

          "I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep again." I searched his face before looking at his eyes. "He told you why they are leaving, didn't he?"

His eyes dropped from mine. Hesitating slightly he sat down on the edge of the bed pulling me onto his lap.

         "Yes, your dad told me why they are going out of town, but only to an extent." Stephen said softly his eyes locking with mine again. "I know you want to know what's going on, and I wish I could tell you, but it's not my place to tell."

           "Is it something bad?"

           "No, baby."

I nod wrapping my arms around his neck. Somehow I feel that he's lying to me, especially since he didn't look me in the eye when he answered that question.

His lips brushed my neck making me shiver. Turning my head slightly I took a deep breath. He smells good.

           "Are your sister's sleeping?" Stephen asked softly hand slowly trailing up my back.

I pulled back looking down at him. "I don't want too."

He gave me a small smile his eyes catching mine.

          "I know, I was asking because I wanted to know if I can sneak into your bed?"

I smiled back at him standing from his lap. Taking his hand I guided him down the hall back into the living room.

         "I wanna finish the movie."

Without a word he took a seat on the couch kicking off his shoes. He laid down getting comfortable before gesturing to me. I smiled laying down in front of him with my head on his arm. His other arm wrapped around my waist keeping me pressed to his body.

            "Do you have to work tomorrow?"

           "No." He shifted slightly pulling me even closer against him. "I'm off until your parents come back, but if there's an emergency I'll be called in."

I nod staring at the TV but not really seeing anything. On Tuesday school starts again and everything goes back to normal. Yet, how normal will normal be?

          "What do you want to do tomorrow?" Stephen whispered breaking the silence between us.

         "I have to finish an assignment. Then make sure Emma has everything for school." I sigh glancing at him over my shoulder. "What do you want to do?"

         "Whatever you want."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now