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It took everything in me to just concentrate on driving home. Quivers racked my body as fear continued to wash through me. If my father found out what I did he would definitely fucking kill me. I drove through town blindly until I reached home. I was happy to see no car in the driveway which meant nobody was home. Parking my car, I grabbed my bag before getting out and rushing towards the front door. I unlocked it then hurried down the hall towards my bedroom.

Dropping my bag onto the floor by my bed, I quickly made my way over to my desk. As I waited for the laptop to start up, I changed clothes. The web page opened easily but I was surprised to find most of the ads deleted. I pushed it aside then clicked on the notification bar.

Who are you?

Seconds passed. Then minutes, but still I received no reply. The message I had received earlier was still there. I heard the car in the driveway just as the laptop pinged, notifying me of a message. I glanced up, but clicked on the message. It was from someone else.

Why did you post a fake picture? We’ll soon know how you really look Alia Dune.

Sweat beaded on my upper lip as I stared at the words. I clicked on it ready to reply but the message suddenly disappeared. I logged off and then on again but still no messages. My ad was still on the page. I added a fake picture with a fake address but everything else was the truth. What have I done?

“Alia?” My mom called from somewhere in the house.

I jumped. Slamming my laptop shut, I stood and made my way out of my bedroom. I found her in the hall holding a sleeping Sam.

“Can you go lie down your sister please?” She held her out towards me. “Your father has invited his new deputy to dinner so I need to get started on it.”

“Sure,” I muttered.

I carried my baby sister into her room and carefully laid her down. Making sure she was covered and that the baby monitor was on, I walked out. I found my mom in the kitchen unpacking groceries. She was muttering under her breath– a habit she had whenever she was nervous. Without a word I stepped forward and started packing everything away. Once done, I stood there expectantly.

“Before you start on your homework can you check to see if the living room is clean?” she asked softly. “Emma's at your aunt's house. Your dad will pick her up on his way home. I can't believe he gave me such short notice!”

I walked out of the kitchen and down the hall. I really didn't want to hear about her cursing my father as she cooked dinner. Everything was in place in the living room. Mom probably cleaned this morning before leaving. I walked back into my bedroom and closed the door behind me. My eyes fell on the laptop with dread. On shaky legs I walked towards it. I had another message from the same person who messaged me first.

What are you willing to do to ensure he doesn't find out?

Who are you?

I typed the question again. After five minutes when there was no reply, I exited the webpage and shut off my computer. I walked over to my school bag and picked it up. Minutes later I was laying on my bed surrounded by books and papers. I had managed to complete half the homework by the time my dad arrived home. And that's mostly because I got distracted by the group chat someone had made. My eyes snapped up when my sister ran past my room towards her own.
I sat up, collecting everything before getting up and placing it on my desk. The laptop drew my attention once again. I bit my lip as I debated on checking the messages.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now