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With a sigh I fell back onto the bed. My body instantly relaxed. Second later Stephen entered the room muttering beneath his breath. A giggle escaped my lips as he fell on the bed next to me.

"I'm so fucking tired," he muttered. I turned my head watching as he ran a hand down his face.

The house is completely silent, both babies finally asleep. We've been up since five this morning. I honestly have no clue how parents manage triplets, managing twins is hard enough. Lia and Thomas are now a month old. My dad use to spend the first few weeks after we came home from the hospital, sleeping in the spare bedroom just to help. My sisrer had her hands full with her own children so that was out of the question.

Turning onto my side, I propped my head onto my hand as I stared down at Stephen. His face is slightly pale from lac of sleep, his jaw covered in slight stubble. The black shirt he wore, wrinkled. My husband.

"Do I have something on my face?"

"Nope," my eyes trailed down the lenght of his body. "I feel like taking a long hot bath."

That got his attention. His eyes snapped open as I climbed off the bed. Unbottoning my pants I pulled my zip down before pushing my pants down my legs. He sucked in a sharp breath. I smiled as I bend forward untying my shoes. I barely got one lace untied when he pulled me back. I landed on the bed with Stephen coming down ontop of me.

"You're not wearing any panties," Stephen said huskily. "Such a naughty girl."

I shivered wrapping my arms around his neck. His lips smashed on mine and my body instantly reacted. Moving my hands down his chest, I tugged up his shirt. Stephen sat up pulling his shirt off. My eyes instantly dropped to his muscled chest. Leaning back down he started trailing kisses down my neck. I moaned arching my body against his. His hardening dick pressed against my stomach.

"Stephen," I breathed. "Fuck me."

Letting out a low groan, he pushed himself up onto his elbow. His other hand started unbottoning my shirt. A curse fell from his lips when he struggled to unbotton it. Giggling I pushed his hand away finishing the job. He pushed the material away impatiently baring my breasts.

"You're going to kill me. How am I suppose to concentrate when I know you're bare beneath your clothes?"

The words died down as his mouth closed around a nipple. His other hand moved to the twin. Wrapping my legs around his waist I grinded my hips agaisnt him.

"I thought you're tired?" I whispered in his ear.

"Not so tired that I can't make love to my wife when she asks me," Stephen pushed himself away from me.

Reaching between us he unzipped his pants. His eyes locked with mine as he slowly entered me. My muscles gripped him pulling him deeper.

"Oh hell."

Burrying his face agasint my neck he started fucking me. My nails dug into his back, my legs wrapping tighter around his waist . It's been so long since we've had sex. We're either to tired or to busy to find time. The tension build. My stomach tightening. So close. Stephen moaned his body tensing as he came. I bit my lip, fustration filling me.

"I'm sorry," he whispered against my skin. Lifting his face he stared down at me. His cheeks are flushed in embarrassment.

"It's okay," I smiled not wanting to embarrass him any further.

Shaking his head he let out a groan. Pulling out of my body he got up. I watched as he kicked off his shoes then pulled his jeans down.

"Move back," he ordered softly. My eyes dropped before looking up at him.

Shifting higher on the bed I spread my legs. Stephen climbed on the bed kneeling between my legs. Grabbing the back of my thighs he pushed my legs up before spreading them. Without warning he lowered his mouth closing over my clit. I gripped the sheets letting out a moan. He sucked on the bud before flicking his tongue up and down. Shifting closer he spread my pussy lips with his fingers.

"Oh baby," he muttered. "I love seeing my cum filling your pussy."

His words make me groan, my cheeks heating in embarrassment. Thankfully he said nothing more to embarrass me. I push myself up onto my elbows to watch him. The sight of my husband's face between my legs was still so erotic. It haunts my dreams and made heat pool between my legs. Stephen's eyes caught mine, his lips pulling up into a smirk. Keeping our eyes locked he leaned forward slowly licking up my slit. I shivered biting my lip. He flicked my clit again making my hips jerk. 

"You're not playing nice," I told him huskily. "We need to get a move on before the kids wake up." 

His tongue slipped inside my pussy, nose brushing my clit. Dropping back onto the bed I gripped the sheets again. My breathing sped up, moans falling from my lips. Reaching down I gripped his hair to keep his face where I wanted him. My hips started moving in rhythm to his tongue. I felt the pull start again. 

"Yes," I cried out. My back arched, legs closing around his head. 

It felt like absolute bliss. Fucking heaven. My hand slipped from his hair falling limply to the bed. I felt him moved over my body, his bare skin brushing mine. A shuddered raced through me. Opening my eyes I looked at Stephen. 

"We should make the best of it," he whispered. He shifted slowly entering me. "Before they wake." 

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now