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I MOANED CLUTCHING THE sheets my eyes snapping open. Lifting my head I'm surprised to find Stephen between my legs tongue fucking me. I thought it was just a dream.

Dropping my head back onto the pillow I moaned again as he flicked my bud. Slowly a finger slid inside me, then another and another. He moved his three fingers in and out slowly circling my clit with his mouth.

          "Stephen." I exploded body arching to press my pussy closer against his mouth.

Slowly coming down from my high, I opened my eyes seeing him hovering above me.

          "Morning baby." His lips caught mie.

I could taste myself on his lips. Instead of it disgusting me it somehow turned me on even more. I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist pulling him down on top of me. Breaking the kiss he chuckled, eyes sparkling with happiness.

           "Are you working today?"

           "Not until nine."

My smile widened making him raise an eyebrow. Shifting our position, I hovered above him. My mind moved back to last night, to the words I heard hi say before falling asleep. Should I ask him about it?

Shaking my head slightly I pulled the shirt off dropping it  somewhere on the floor. I told him to sit up before pulling his shirt off as well. Our noses are inches apart, eyes locked as we sat like that.

           "Stephen?" I licked my lips feeling suddenly nervous.
My nipples brushed against his chest as I sucked in a breath, making my mind go blank. Red hot desire filled me. I closed my eyes briefly opening them to find his eyes on my breasts. Slowly his hand moved from my hip. I followed the movement watching as he brushed my nipple with his palm.


I nod my head dropping onto his shoulder. He did it again making me let out a moan. Turning my head I trailed my lips along his jaw then shoulder. He shuddered making me smile. Something I've come to learn is the fact that his neck is a very sensitive place.

           "Lay back baby." He ordered huskily in my ear.

I frowned at him but laid down on my back. I'm laying between his spread legs like an offering.

          "How come I'm the only one naked?" I pouted up at him, my hips jerked as he trailed a finger down my slit.

Without saying a word he pulled his dick from his pants slowly stroking himself. My eyes followed his movement, stomach clenching.

        "Shift closer."

I frowned not fully understanding what he means. Rolling his eyes he grabbed my hips pulling me down, my legs are on either side of his waist. My eyes moved to his face. His lids lowered slightly, cheeks flushed. I looked at his mouth watching as he licked his lips before biting his bottom lip.

          "This way, you can control the movement." Stephen said softly his eyes catching mine only for a few seconds.

Slowly he trailed the mushroom top over my slit hitting my clitoris. Tilting my hips up I moaned as he slipped in a little.


His lips twitched eyes closing as he slowly slid into me. My body stretched to accommodate him, it has been a while since we've had sex. His hands moved to my legs bending them at my knees. With my feet on the bed I moved my hips in a slow circle. We both moaned at the sensation, I did it again.

A slight sheen of sweat covered my body. My hips moving in a steady rhythm. It feels amazing but my legs are starting to hurt. Stephen leaned back on his hands, his legs bending slightly. 

A gasp fell from my lips as he started thrusting upwards. I moaned hands gripping the sheets.

         "Yes." I hissed muscles clenched around him.

His movement stopped abruptly making my eyes snap open. Wrapping an arm around my waist he pulled me up, I wrapped an arm around his neck. Moving my legs slightly he laid down pulling me with him.

A hand wrapped in my hair as his lips smashed on mine. He started moving again, pounding into me. I broke the kiss sucking in air, my eyes locking with his. His hand trailed down my back to my ass, giving it a squeeze his hand slipped lower.

A gasp fell from my lips, eyes widening as I felt him stroking a finger around my anus. Slowly the digit slipped inside making a flash of pain move through me.

        "Shh." His lips brushed my nose then my lips. "Relax."

Dropping my head to his shoulder I bit down slightly. A gasp fell from his lips, his breath fanning my ear. His movement slowed as his finger slipped in a little deeper. Fucking hell. Wave after wave of pleasure flashed through me. Double penetration, I've read about it, an amazing experience for some and painful for others.

         "You like that baby?" Stephen asked. "You like it when I fuck you like this? When both of your holes are filled?"

I mumbled something that I hoped made sense. All I can concentrate on now is his dick pounding into my pussy and his finger in my ass. What will it feel like if he fucks my ass? Will it feel so good?

          "Ride me baby." He pulled his hand from my ass gripping my hips.

Sitting up I pressed my hands to his chest moving my hips. I shifted slit leaning back with my hands on his thighs. My movement continued but it only lasted a few seconds.

I cried out head dropping back as I orgasmed. My movements became jerky but I didn't stop. I felt his thumb press against my clitoris. Sitting up my eyes locked with his, his lips are pulled up into a small smile. Stephen pressed me against his chest before changing our position.

Wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. His lips caught mine as he began to move.

         "Alia." Stephen cried out as a shudder moved through his body.

His thrust slowed before stopping as he came. My eyes fell close as his arms gave way, leaning his head on my chest he moaned. A ghost of smile crossed my lips as I stroked his damp hair.

It gets better every time.

The bedside alarm went off breaking our peaceful moment. He cursed under his breath slowly lifting his head to look at me.

        "Would you like to join me for a shower?"

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now