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I DIAL THE NUMBER again running an agitated hand through my hair. She's suppose to be home right now. Going to the supermarket wouldn't take so long, would it?

Dialing Nathan's number I pressed the phone to my ear. He answered a few minutes later. When he said that Alia hasn't returned home after leaving panic surged through me. Where could she be?

I gripped the phone tightly in my hand exiting my office. Ignoring everyone else I walked into Michael's office.

"Did Alia say something about going to see her mother?"

"No, she said that she wasn't ready." He stood eyes catching mine. "What happened?"

"She's not home yet." I dialed her number again getting the same answer.

The phone is switched off.

"She probably got caught up somewhere."

I shook my head ending the call before calling her mom. She answered on the third ring giving me the same answer Nathan had. She hasn't seen Alia since last night.

My head snapped up as I heard Michael talking to Patrick. He frowned down at the table clicking the pen. When he hung up I gave him a questioning look.

"They haven't seen her."

"Something is wrong Michael." I swallowed feeling my stomach dip. "I can feel it, something happened to her."

We spend the next two hours calling everyone we could think of that may know where she is. We got the same question from everyone. Gathering my team I set out searching for her. As I passed a grocery store my eyes fell on her car. I hit the breaks making a u-turn ignoring all the other drivers.

Parking the car next to hers I got out walking towards it. The car is locked. Walking inside I scanned the aisle's finding her nowhere.

"Excuse me." I tapped the counter in front of the woman. "I'm looking for this girl, have you seen her?"

Holding up my phone I showed her the picture of Alia. She frowned then shook her head making my heart drop. Slamming my hand down I turned walking towards the exit.

"Hey!" Some man called from behind me grasping my arm.

I span around with a frown.

Pulling out my phone I held it up. "Have you seen her?"

"Yes." He nodded pointing to her car. "I was smoking when I saw her pull up. I went inside just as she paid and walked out."

"She left?" I frowned confused.

She left without her car? Why would she do that? Unless she walked to a nearby shop to get something she couldn't find here.


I looked back down at the man in question.

"I saw her come back just after she left. She gave the girl that helped her a note before walking out."

"Is she still here?"

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now