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I THOUGHT THAT I might have mistaken the man for Stephen, because he only stared.

"I'm sorry. I thought-"


My eyes snapped up to his. His green eyes have widened, surprise flashing through them as he stared down at me. I blinked as his hands dropped from my body. Stephen took as step back from me his body tense.

"Is there a problem?" The owner appeared glancing between us.

I turned to face them, but my mind stayed on the man behind me. He's here, Stephen is actually here standing a few inches away.

"H-he says I got the wrong order." I told the woman not glancing at the two men.

I continued to explain what they ordered and what happened when I brought them the food. The man kept arguing saying that he didn't order that. He was restoring to yelling and slamming his fist on the table. His violence scared me, but I tried to keep calm and not let it show. The bald man stood up, his hand brushed along my thigh as he did.

Before I could blink Stephen had pushed me aside, his fist connecting with the man's face. Someone pulled me back, out of the way, as the second man joined. He wrapped his arms around Stephen's neck pulling him from his partner.

Screams filled the air as the men continued to fight. They fell on a tables breaking it and everything on it. They are about the same height, their muscle's similar in build.

Stephen got a hit to the face, another to the stomach. The bald man stood getting another hit in making him stumble back. A cry fell from my lips as Stephen fell to the ground.

One man is on top of him, hitting him repeatedly. I moved to rush forward, but arms held me back.

"Someone help him!"

Nobody made any move to interfere in the fight. I glanced around fanatically searching for something, anything, to help him. I broke free of the arms rushing over to pick up the tray from the floor. Hurrying to them, I used all my strength swinging the tray at his head.

The man groaned hand moving to the back of his head. Slowly his head turned towards me making the tray slip from my fingers. I stumbled back as he stood sneering down at me.

"Fucking bitch."

His hand raised. I flinch waiting for the hit to come, but it never did. The man suddenly dropped to the floor with a loud 'thud' making gasps filled the air. My eyes snapped up seeing Stephen standing there. He gave me a smirk, body swaying. I moved forward wrapping my arm around his waist.

"You know him?"

I nod glancing around, he's leaning his weight on me. Shifting slightly I lowered him into the nearest chair making him groan.

"I'll have someone help you get him home before the police show up."


STEPHEN IS COMPLETELY OUT of it. With a slight struggle we managed to get him out of the car and into my building.

"Need help getting him upstairs?"

I shook my head giving him a thanks before pulling Stephen into the elevator. Leaning against the wall I glanced up at his bloodied face. The thought of him being drunk didn't hit me until my coworker pointed it out.

His breath smells of Whiskey and some other alcohol. No wonder he has been so unsteady on his feet. In all the time Stephen and I have dated, I've never seen him drinking.

"Hold on to this." I said softly guiding his hands to the railing.

He muttered something but held onto it. After making sure he's standing I stepped forward pressing my floor number. When I turned around his eyes are open. Glazed over, but watching me with a frown.

"You look like her." His words are slightly slurred. "Like her."

I frowned stepping towards him again. "Like who?"

Shaking his head he reached up pressing a finger to his cheeks. I winced along with him. The dry blood is sticking to his skin, it's hard to tell how badly he's hurt. Not that I think about it, the men did so much damage to him, his hits were harder than theirs.

The elevator stopped. Stepping towards him I wrapped my arm around his waist placing my other hand against his chest to try and balance him.

"Come on big man."

It took longer than I thought to get to the door of my apartment. About halfway down the half we almost fell face first because he stumbled over his feet. I laughed along with him, pushing the pain in my chest away.

Unlocking my door, I lead him inside towards the couch. He fell back with a groan, eyes squeezed shut. I walked back to the door closing it then making sure to lock it. I hesitated as I stared at him, what is going to happen when he's sober?

"Alia." He watched me with hooded eyes. "You look like Alia."

I swallowed the lump in my throat walking to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Placing it on the coffee table I walked into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle.

"Here drink this."

Sitting next to him I placed the first aid kit on my lap getting anything I needed. I kicked off my shoes sitting up on my knees to reach his face. Stephen winced and wined every time I would clean a wound. Half an hour later I dropped the bloodied cotton wool into the trashcan.

"Sit forward." I ordered softly reaching for his jacket.

A squeal fell from my lips when he grabbed my hips pulling me down on his lap. His lips are pulled up into a sloppy smile, his cheeks flushed pink. I swallowed, licking my dry lips before looking up at him.

"Who's Alia?" I whispered my eyes fluttering close as he traced my cheek with shaky fingers.

"I loved her."

Loved. Past tense, does that mean he doesn't love me anymore? It's been so long, of course he has moved on already.

"What happened to her?"

His body tensed beneath me, lips pressed together. I moved off his lap back onto the couch. Minutes passed in silence before he spoke again.

"I fucked up." His voice cracked hands forming fists. "She got hurt and it was all my fault. I broke her."

I blinked back the tears, the lump in my throat growing. Pushing the pain away I leaned forward tugging at his jacket. Seconds later I dropped it onto the other couch before kneeling by his feet. Untying his shoes I pulled it off placing it neatly next to each other. I helped him to lie down placing the pillow underneath his head.

"I miss her."

I barely caught his words, but when I did my whole body froze. Tears dripped down my cheeks as I hurried down the hall. Entering the spare room I opened the closet pulling out a blanket.

When I walked back into the living room, Stephen is fast asleep. I wiped the tears away throwing the blanket over him. I couldn't help it. Leaning down I placed a kiss on his forehead. My eyes trailed over his face, taking in his dark beard and pale skin.

I need to let go of the past.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now