Chapter Twenty

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STEPHEN LED ME ACROSS the street to a sleek silver car. He unlocked the door helping me inside before moving around the front. I watched him, my eyes trailing over his muscular body. 

The car smelt of leather and Axe body spray. It smells amazing. Stephen got into the driver side giving me a small smile.

             "Are you hungry?"

            "Yes." I bit my lips eyes locking with his. "But not for food."

He laughed starting the car and pulling out into the traffic. We moved slowly the sounds of horns and screaming heard.

           "How was your day?" Stephen asked softly breaking the silence.

          "It was okay, slow and boring." I said staring out the window. "But it's better now."

I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes. He smiled leaning back in his seat. Turning in my seat I allowed my eyes to trail over him. He's wearing a tight black T-shirt with dark wash jeans and brown biker boots.

My panties dampened, breath hitching.

            "Are you wearing shorts beneath your skirt?" He suddenly asked eyes locking with mine for a few seconds.


He turned off taking the road that led into town.

          "Take them off along with you panties." His voice is low his hands around the steering wheel tightening. 

I bit my lip pulling my skirt up to my hips. Lifting them I hooked my fingers in the shorts and my panties sliding them down my legs.

I rearranged my skirt again waiting for his next order.

         "Have you been practicing like I showed you?"

I shook my head excitement filling me as he placed his hand on my thigh. His skin is rough against mine, his hand warm.

           "How many times do you think I'll be able to make you come before we reach your house?" Stephen asked softly his hand sliding higher.

          "Once." I breathed my eyes fluttering close.

          "You underestimate me, angel." He said softly cubing my core.

My mouth fell open in a silent moan as his thumb found the tiny bundle of nerves. He used his forefinger to spread the moisture before slipping it inside.

            "You're so wet." The car slowed. "Take of your seatbelt, lean with your back against the door."

I did what he said pulling my legs up to my chest. Stephen glanced at me for a second before focusing back on the road.

         "Spread your leg."

I'm getting wetter by the minute. His voice is doing strange things to my body. I don't want his fingers in me, I want his dick in me.


His hand is on my pussy again, stroking and teasing. He pressed his thumb against my clitoris slipping one finger inside me.

Stephen moved his finger round and round touching my inner walls. I moaned head falling back against the window my hands clutched the leather seats.

I can feel the familiar pull of an orgasm making my breathing increase. With the curl of his finger and a flick of his thumb I came.

However he didn't stop moving his finger. He added another, this time moving them in and out.

          "You look so fucking sexy, baby."

I've lost all sense of control, I have no clue where we are or if the car is still moving. All I can concentrate on is his fingers inside my pussy.

Moving in and out fast and then slow.

I lost count of how many times I came. By the time he removed his hand my body is a quivering mess. Opening my eyes I blinked a few times watching in fascination as he sucked the fingers inside his mouth.

His eyes caught mine. Pulling his fingers from his lips he winked at me.

           "You taste delicious."

I blushed covering my face with a shaky hand. How can he do that?

The car slowed again making me look out the window to see us stopping in front of my house.

Pressing my legs together I turned back to the front sucking in shaky breaths. I glanced at Stephen again seeing the small smirk on his lips.

          "How many times did I make you come?" He asked after a few minutes of just staring.

         "I don't know." I told him honestly gasping when he suddenly pulled me onto his lap.

His lips captured mine, one arm wrapping around my waist his other hand wrapping around my neck.

I moaned shifting in his lap so I'm straddling him. My hands gripped his shoulders hips grinding against his.

           "Fuck, Alia. Stop." Stephen groaned gripping my hips to stop my movement.

Opening my eyes I stared down at him with a small frown. "Why?"

           "You're father is already on my case. What do you think he will do if he finds us fucking in my car in front if his house."

He's right, the voice in my head whispered. Of course he's right. Hell, he must think I'm a tramp rubbing against him like this.


His finger under my chin forced my eyes up to meet his.

          "Don't ever apologize for this, ever." His lips brushed mine again. "I like seeing you like this baby."

I sighed leaning my head against his shoulder breathing in his scent. He really does smell amazing.

          "You need to go inside now."

Moving from his lap I sat down in the seat again picking my shorts and panties up from the floor. Before I could put it on he reached out taking my panties.

           "I'm keeping these." Stephen said pocketing the material.

Rolling my eyes I pulled my shorts on fixing my skirt. I glanced at the house seeing the curtain in the living room move.

          "I'll see you again soon."

I smiled leaning over to peck his cheek before getting out of the car. Picking up my bag I straightened ready to close the door.


         "Yes?" I leaned down again tilting my head to the side as I waited for him to answer.

Instead he reached behind the seat pulling out a black plastic bag.

          "Something to help you practice. When we meet again I want you to show me, okay?"

         "Okay." I took the bag with pink cheeks.

Giving him a small smile I straightened closing the door. Giving him a small wave I made my way towards the house.

I opened the front door turning to see him give one last wave before driving off.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now